Chapter 9: An Unlikely Ally

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The days that followed the incident revealed how fast news spreads in Thermadore. Betty hoped she would have been blended in among other first year blonde girls but she suspected her unique curls may have distinguished herself. Never had Betty noticed the vibrant variety of eye colors and odd expressions the Thermadore students had once they got a glimpse of her in the halls, Cafeteria and any other gathering places. She wondered what they were thinking, was she dangerous to them? Were they just as disappointed as the Headmaster?

To her great fortune and expectation, Her friends, who had the privilege of hearing her side of the story, immediately believed her.

"I don't know Betty," Pearl said, squinting at her. "What were you really up to?"

"Oh, shut up, Pearl! You know she wouldn't lie to us," Paisley yelled across the round table of the cafeteria Thursday afternoon.

The eyes continued, alongside muddied conversation as students passed Betty and her friends.

"It's alright, Betty. I'm sure Mr. Zorppo will figure it out." Paisley said warmly.

Betty hoped so, it was he that prevented her and the three others from being expelled at once. He was so convinced that he'd risk his job, so it came to no surprise one Defense against the dark arts class after the Jackalope group was held back by the teacher that the ministry had agreed to his terms.

"Don't worry, children, you are still okay to continue on this year. I've also recruited your charms teacher, Mrs. Queenslady, into the investigation."

The four stared at each other, Maria and Ryan and Pierre showing signs of relief while Betty held with an expression of determination.

"Betty, didn't you hear? We have two people figuring this out for us!" Ryan stated while the four headed up the basement stairs.

"It wouldn't hurt if we did some digging around. I want to be useful." Betty retorted.

None of them answered, they all stared back with worry on their faces. It didn't make sense to Betty why they were so apprehensive, for her it didn't feel like they had much of a choice. If they weren't willing to participate, she would have to do it herself, hopefully with the support of her four friends.

A gloomy night followed as the four dispersed in their dormitories. Betty's friends decided to retire early to their beds which left her with her four roommates in her room.

Zara and Ashton stared at their two roommates with worry. Just like the rest of Thermadore, They only had surface level information of the incident. There was an uncomfortable silence as Maria sat comfortably with a book, Betty shuffling letters on her bed side and Zara clanging her needles while knitting. Ashton stared at Zara who was staring intently at Betty. Just as Zara opened mouth, Ashton waved at Zara.

"Just be quiet," Ashton mouthed.

Zara stared intently back at her, confused. Then she raised her head and eyebrows, understanding. Zara continued on her knitting while taking quick glimpses at Betty grimly. Betty side eyed the two as they tried to handle the situation while Maria sat limply on her bed with the book covering her face.

Betty sent out two letters, she received three. The only explanation was probably the notice the headmaster sent to all the Jackalope group parents. A third definitely meant her mother had something to say as well, something threatening she suspected.

She opened the first one.

"Dear Betty,

It pleases me to know that you are enjoying Thermadore so far. I would have wished you the best from now till we meet again but I am aware of the situation you're in, mom and dad told me.

Betty Grimes and the Thermadore ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now