Encounter of the wolves

39 2 4

TWs: suicidal thoughts, Internelized Homophobia, Slurs, hurting animals, a little disgusting

⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧

Travis woke up to Sal still being snuggled in his chest. Travis couldn't remember what happened last night except drinking. His head throbbed with pain. The truck was silent that Travis could hear his heartbeat. Bump Bump Bump. That is all he could hear. He heard a groan under him. He looked to see Sal's messy blue hair in his chest. Sal felt something off. "No" he thought as he felt his face with his hand. "Where is my prosthetic" he thought. He felt his heart skip a couple of beats. He quickly covered his face and leaned back. "Don't look p-please" Sal asked, he felt tears fall down his face. "Why what's wrong Sal? Travis asks. He looked at Sal who was covering his face. "Oh that's what's wrong" Travis thought as he saw sal covering his face with his hands. "Hey it's okay Sal I don't care what you look like at all." Don't lie to yourself" Sal said almost on the verge of tears. "No Sal im not" Travis says placing his hands on Sal's face. "Can you just leave me alone" Sal says with annoyance. If someone talked to Travis like that he would hit them or bully them but he stopped. He couldn't put himself to do it. Not even a word. He squirmed out of his seat and got out of the truck leaving Sal behind. He gave a glance back to see Sal again. Little purple dots dotted his neck and his shoulders. "No. No this is wrong" Travis thought as he saw the dark purple hickies. He walked away from the house. "Maybe it was someone else" Travis thought. It was a better thought but still made him feel jealous. Travis just wanted to get out of the place. He walked out the driveway. He didn't want to go to his house. A hell hole. The slight thought of that place made him shiver in fear. Travis walked down blocks and eventually got to a dirt trail. Barbed wire and cows in fields clogged one side of the road but not on it. He walked more and finally got to a place. Wendigo Lake. Travis walked down to the place. He placed himself under the arched tree. Memories filled his head. But not just his mom but Sal. The feeling of absence was unbelievable. 

The shimmering surface of the lake beckoned to him, its siren call whispering promises of escape. What if he surrendered to its depths, allowing the cool embrace of the water to envelop him, clutching onto a jagged rock as the currents pulled him under? The thought tantalized him, tempting him with the allure of oblivion. Surely, the discomfort would be fleeting compared to the respite from his burdens, but did it truly matter anymore?

Yet, even as he stood on the precipice of this decision, a part of him hesitated, caught between the pull of life and the seduction of death. He existed in a liminal space, neither fully alive nor completely resigned to the void. 

He perched on the bank, his fingers tracing the damp earth beneath him, unable to summon the resolve to carry out the task that danced on the edge of his thoughts. The weight of indecision pressed upon him, each breath heavy with the burden of uncertainty. His gaze lingered on the water, its surface a mirror reflecting the turmoil within him. Though the urge tugged at his soul, he remained rooted in place, a silent witness to the battle raging within his heart.

Despite having succumbed to sleep, he awoke to find weariness clinging to him like a second skin. Each limb felt heavy with fatigue, as if the night had been a mere interlude in his perpetual state of exhaustion. Though his eyelids had briefly shut out the world, his mind still swam in a sea of fatigue, its currents dragging him deeper into a state of lethargy. The semblance of rest had eluded him, leaving him stranded on the shores of weariness, his spirit weighed down by the relentless pull of fatigue. As the weight of exhaustion bore down upon him, he felt himself slipping into the embrace of sleep once more. His eyelids, heavy with the residue of weariness, began to droop like curtains closing on a weary stage. With each flutter, his consciousness ebbed, carried away on the gentle currents of slumber. The world around him blurred and faded, melting into a hazy landscape of dreams where reality and imagination intertwined. And so, enveloped in the soft embrace of drowsiness, he surrendered to the lulling rhythm of sleep, drifting into the tranquil realms of the unconscious. 

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