PILOT pt. 2 - That's Entertainment

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(Alan POV)

Alan: So this is where sinners, or what the bobbies call "Downers", go once they're considered deceased. I wonder if hell has its quirks in-

Just as I was talking to myself, I head a random sinner fall down from above, screaming before it landed in the middle of the road.

Demon: Ugh. Huh? *Checks himself* I'm alive! I'm alive-

Alan: Um, excuse me, sir!

The demon soon turned to face me. But as he did, he was run over by a taxi driven by someone. It then stops, and out came a multi-armed demoness with pinkish-white fur. Maybe some kind of spider, I guess.

Driver: Thanks for the fun time, hot stuff!

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Driver: Thanks for the fun time, hot stuff!

Spider Demon: Yeah, yeah, listen. *Adjusts her hair* Keep this discreet, you hear me? I can't let it get out I'm offerin' my services to randos on the street! It was a quick cash grab. Ya got that.

Driver: Pfft! Whatever you say, slut!

Spider Demon: *pretends to be offended* Ouch! Ooh! Such an insult! Let me know when you've come up with something creative to call me, *looms over Travis and points at him with all his index fingers* you sack of poorly packaged horse shit! Tell the missus I said "hi". *Kisses the driver* Shnuckums!

Driver: Ugh, Pack a - puh...

The driver soon drove off angrily without a single word left. As she watched, she immediately caught sight of my... halo, and wings before noticing me. Thanks a lot writers.

Spider Demon: Hey! You there!

Alan: Huh?

Spider Demon: Yes you, you an angel or something?

Alan: Um... no?

Spider Demon: Heh! Funny, you look like one already! You new around here or something?

Alan: Probably. Look, I think...

Spider Demon: Eh, don't answer that. I already know a sinner when I see one.

She looked behind to see a vending machine. She turned around and beckoned me over. I followed her, and saw she was about an inch taller than me. It felt pretty shocking to say the least since female spiders were exceptionally larger than male spiders. We went over to the machine, and she pressed a button that read "Angel Dust" on it. Once done, she took out a small sack. I looked at it, a little puzzled.

Alan: The hell is that?!

Angel Dust: Drugs. Hells got a lot these days, my favorite are these, which happen to be my name BTW-

A random demon ran by and snatched the drugs from her.

Feathered Demon: Yoink!

Angel Dust: Hey!

Hellbound Eternally [SEASON 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin