After letting go of the emotions that clogged her throat scratching for a Exist. Her cry's was filled with pain and tiredness, Damiri did everything in his body not to disobey the Therapist and pull her into a hug and tell her he was here.

Getting her breathing under control, Syrenity sat back on the bench and rested her head on Damiri's shoulders which caused him to throw his arms around her and pull her in involuntarily.

The session continued to partake, Dr. Lewis changed the topic seeing Syrenity needed sometime after from those events. The remaining time Syrenity stayed in Damiri's arms feeling a sense of peace and stability.


Syrenity's eyes gazed over the crystal clear sea, as the cool breeze tapped her skin gently. The water was filled with bubbles and tea tree oil that smoothly opened her body. After the session, they went back to the suite, the suite maid cooked a nice meal which contained.

Tuna curry, garlic rice, and plantains. The food had different flavors that took both Damiri and Syrenity by surprise being that it looked basic. After the meal, they shared a few sweets then Damiri ordered the helpers to fix Syrenity a relaxing bath while he ran some errands.

She had been in the bath for over 20 minutes, the warmth and the view of the fresh sea were relaxing making Syrenity freeze in her spot not feeling an urge to move.

Closing her eyes, Syrenity pushed her bath farther in the tube letting it stop at her neck. The smoke from the steaming water covered the bathroom air.

" You still in here mama " His raspy deep voice caused Syrenity to peel her eyes open and turn towards the entrance of the area. She gazed over Damiri who stood In nothing but his boxers.

His brown skin was sweaty and his eyes low most likely from smoking. The lack of clothes let Syrenity catch a glimpse of his body full of ink, licking her lips she dropped her eyes on his standing Erection as he walked farther into the area.

Her mouth watered, looking at him as Damiri got closer. The taste of his sweet but natural nut engraved in her mind, the sounds he made when his tip hit the back of her warm throat, the hard and aggressive deep strokes he made when they were loving on each other.

The memories caused moist to form between her legs, her nipples hardened causing her to bite down on her pink plump lips.

" Mama " Damiri spoke, smirking at her adoring eyes fixed on his manhood.  Placing the two fat blunts behind his ears, Damiri tugged his boxers off making Syrenity snap out her wonderland.

" Wh-what you doing " She watched him enter the tube before sliding behind her. Her body stiffened once she felt him pressed against her bare back.

Feeling his hand wrap around her stomach, Syrenity grasped now feeling him on her ass.

" Relax baby. It's just me " he cupped her jaw before leaning her head against his shoulder. Placing soft kisses along her neck, Damiri sucked on it causing a pink mark to form softly.

" You so pretty mama, look in the mirror for me " Damiri smiled stilling kissing her neck. Doing as told, Syrenity looked at the large mirror that sat above the white Vessel sink. Syrenity looked at their reflection and bit on her lip.

Damiri continued to Placed soft kisses on her neck while his hands gripped her breast harshly. He pinched her harden nipples causing a soft moan to escape her lips.

" You see how beautiful you are baby, so beautiful. Mhm look at them eyes, I love looking in them hazel eyes while I'm deep in that pussy. Them soft lips that releases beautiful moans with every stroke I take. "

" You so pretty mama " Damiri spoke gently in Syrenity's ear as his hand touched her skin leaving sparks. His words turn her into a warm puddle of water .

" Stand up fa me " Frowning at him, Syrenity slowly stood up now exposed to his eyes. Trying to cover her body with her hand, a stinging sensation on her thighs echoed through her body although the pain was pleasure to her.

" Don't play wit me Genie "he said sternly before rubbing where he hit. Letting his hands rub over her back, Damiri placed his lips along her scars making her heart tingle.

" These scars don't change how beautiful you are inside and out. You so beautiful and I want you to always remember that baby. " Damiri expressed pulling her onto his lap back to his chest..

" I love you pretty girl, I love you so much " he mumbled into her ear as his hand reached between her legs spreading her wet fold open. His fingers teased her soaking clit while his mouth sucked on her skin leaving marks.

" please " Syrenity whine, reaching to grab his hand. Jerking back from a swirling sting on her nipples, Syrenity quickly moving her hand.

" don't rush me ma' " Damiri grabbed her neck with his free hand and crashed his lips onto her's. His fingers rubbed her wet clit sending shocks through her body. Gripping her clit, Damiri stuck his tongue deep in her mouth as her mouth fell open from the pleasure he was causing her.

Sticking his middle finger and his ring finger into her hole, Damiri plunged them in and out as his tongue swirled in her mouth muttering her moans.  

" Oh my mhmm" Syrenity moaned out jerking her head to the side slightly grasping for air. Damiri long fingers hit her g-spot repeatedly as his thumb circled her clit causing different pleasures to sent overboard.

" Yo shit so wet mama. You finna cum, hmm " Damiri said feeling her clutch to his fingers. Grabbing her breast with his free hand, he attached his lips to her perky nipples. 

" baby I'm Cummin' , omg yess " Syrenity moaned loudly making Damiri remove his fingers from her and quickly rubbed her clit. A loud cry exited Syrenity's mouth as her body shook from reaching her climax.

" There you go pretty girl, give me all that shit " His palm kept rubbing at a fast pace causing Syrenity to push away as she began squirting. 

" You so pretty baby, I love you so much " Damiri said taking his fingers in his mouth, licking off her tasteless essence. Humming at her taste, Damiri looked over at a half sleep Syrenity before chuckling and lifting them both out the tube.

Flushing out the tube, Damiri got in the mini shower and washed himself and a sleep Syrenity. Having washing and moisturizing both their body, Damiri carried her back the the room and placed her down slowly before clumping in behind her.

" I love you " 

" I love you more baby "



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