Tragedy In The Reich

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2nd of September 1949, a normal morning in Berlin, or so it was supposed to be. Hitler didn't leave his room or ring any bell for anyone to help him. Usually around the time birds started to chirp he would ring a bell or leave his room.

His personal doctor, Harten Flagstaff grew skeptical about it, and called over a solider to go in Hitler's room and tell him what was going on in the room. Just a minute after he entered the room he rushed out and told Harten to get inside quickly.

Hitler was laying in his bed and looked without a sign of life. Harten rang for his medical team to help him trying to save the Chancellor. Many attempts to save him failed, Harten tried everything he could but Hitler was not giving life signals.

At 8:26 he had to announce him dead, the most important men in the Reich were also announced of it. Göring was the first to be announced, by a phone call to his home in a small neighborhood in Berlin.

With the death of Hitler, and without an heir to the position the vice Chancellor in the situation Göring would be declared Chancellor. Although with sadness in his heart Göring took a speech in the assembly on the 3rd of September.

"Yesterday, the great leader of our nation passed away, without an heir as the law states the vice Chancellor takes power. I as the vice Chancellor, can assert now the power of the Chancellor. Our nation is in deep sadness for the death of the great leader. But we should never let a tragedy tear us apart and make us apart. We should take this change as a moment of integrity and dedication to ourselves and our nation. We shall stand even more united and not divided, long live our great Reich!"

News of Hitler's death were made public 5 days later. Across Germany and parts of Europe close to Germany people organized in mourning groups. Each group sent a representative to Berlin to deposit a sentiment of unity for the Reich and the past leader of the nation.

On the 10th of September Göring was voted as Chancellor in unanimous agreement. Almost the entire assembly voted for him, just some members of the extremist group which were later found dead voted against him.

The once Hitler Reich was in a complete path towards transformation. Göring started reforms since 1948, and had even bigger plans. Which would be realized after 1953 and the completion of Germania.

Göring later would go into history as the great reformer. His reforms could destabilize the Reich or keep it intact with just some modifications. Minorities no longer oppressed, rather accepted and integrated into the society.

His efforts for greater acceptance and a 360 degree policy got the world out of some dark. But many more challenges will open themselves with time. For now Göring just could rest as the effects of his laws take toll.

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