Internal Fighting

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With an aged Hitler and without any kids to inherit the Reich, internal fight began to happen.
Reformist Hermann Göring, the extremist Joseph Goebbels and moderate Heinrich Himmler.

Göring wanted a reform of the Reich, a less extreme action to minorities and the Aryan approach. Goebbels on the other hand wanted to advance actions of Hitler.

Paramilitary groups began to form supporting one or the other. Goebbels and die Reichsarmee, Göring and Die Reformisten des Reiches and Himmler and part of the SS. 3 different factions fighting for the same thing, the dominance of the Reich after Hitler's death.

Göring began to develop relations with the aged Hitler, advancing the ranks fast. Goebbels and Himmler were stuned that Hitler was giving promotions to Göring for almost nothing. The last drop happened when the SS  divisions were moved to Göring's leadership.

Himmler essentially lost the race and without his paramilitary anymore couldn't compete. The 2 enemies for the spot Hitler holds were just Goebbels and Göring. A 2 man fight for who will rule the Reich after a eventual death of the Chancellor.

At first the fights were kept civil, but as Goebbels's men began to make Göring's disappear without a sign and then found dead the fight lost its civility. Fire was exchanged almost daily between the reformist groups and the extremist groups.

Ranks of Göring's groups grew day by day, former Wehrmacht soliders joined him. SS soliders also joined Göring but most of them stayed neutral. Goebbels began to lose land and as days passed Göring seemed to win.

All until the balance was shaken again. Goebbels's men managed to  kill the main general of Göring's lines, Hans von Funhven a experienced former Wehrmacht member. The incident on the night of 13th of January 1948 went on the be named "the night of the knives". Hitler himself gave order to arrest Goebbels and sent him to a camp for punishment.

Himmler out, now Goebbels without any reply after his men did the bloodiest night on peace time. Göring have did it, he was now the only one to be next in line. And it all became official on the 17th of February, when Hitler announced his seat will be taken by Göring after he is gone.

A win for the reformists, and a chance for the world to turn to a light after years of darkness. For now the future was just a estimation and just a dream. Göring could transform the world of the Reich dominance to a brighter one, faster or slower.

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