Peace Talks

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The Allied forces were defeated. The surrender of the United States in July opened the time for peace deals. The talks would take place in Vichy, France.

Hitler attended the meeting himself, so did Churchill and Roosevelt. With the killing of Stalin in 1944 so the Union sent a representative. Field Marshall Georgy Zhukov, the most important and dedicated of the Union.

From the posture of defeated the Allies had no word in the talk. Hitler's will became the norm of the deal. Anything he wanted he got it.

Britain would be under a Reichcommisariat under the rule of Erwin Rommel. The USSR would be spread across several smaller nations, the east free to choose. While the West of the Union will fall under the Reichcommisariat of Russia ruled by Eric von Manstein.

The US will also be broken down. The East coast including the 13 original colonies and Florida will be under Reichcommisariat rule by Himmler. California, Washington and Oregon would form the West Coast free states. The rest of the country will be under SS administration until 1948 eventually joining the East Coast states.

Colonies would all be under German or Italian rule, northern Africa and several other parts ruled by Italy. The rest of Africa under German rule same as the British colonies where Reichcommisariats were instituted under SS generals.

After 1 week of talks and negotiations the treaty of Vichy was signed. July 16th 1945, the most deadly war in the history of humanity finally ended.

Soliders could finally go home, war bombs would not be dropped anymore and peace could finally fill the gap of millions of deaths. Hitler achieved his dream, total war domination. He accomplished what he believed the Aryan people were made for, dominate their inferiors.

Word of the peace spread quickly, in Germany the people celebrated hard, parties went on for days. In the surrendered nations celebrations didn't happen, people started to fear for their life instead of being happy.

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