Final Chapter: The End.

Start from the beginning

"I'M A FUCKING CAT!!! MEOW, MEOW!!!" Evan said, now playing around as if this were a game. Realizing they take everything seriously, playing around, would only mess them up.

"YOU'RE NOT A HERO!!!" Mason yelled.

"BETTER THAN YOU!!!!" Evan yelled back, kicking Mason in the face. Realizing the mistake as Mason falls to the ground.

"GOT YOU!!!" Sharkbot said, he shot the net and Evan gets caught and falls to the ground.
"Damnit..." Evan said.
"Hah.. now, let the professionals handle the real job, kid," Mason said.

Suddenly a chopper could be heard in the distance. Military choppers coming in, who was flying them? No one knew.
"You call the army?" Mason asked, Ms. Solider.
"No-? At least not yet," She replied.

As the choppers come down, Sharkbot, tries removing Evan's mask. Suddenly, an Owl ring, is thrown at Sharkbot.
"What the-?" Sharkbot said, looking up at the choppers and realizing it is Owl.
Using a megaphone, "I think you guys got a kid for me?" Owl said, jumping out the chopper and landing on his feet like an assassin from Assassins Creed.
"He's coming with us," Mason replied with a yell.
"No my friend, I'm taking him! And ain't shit you can do about it!" Owl replied.
"Try us," Ms. Solider said.
Owl, chuckles at his wife, he obviously wouldn't hurt her. "Oh how I love you," He replied to her comment.
"We need, Batpool," Owl said.
"For what?" Mason asked.
"None of your business," Owl replied, walking up to Evan and gets him out of the net.

Sharkbot grabs Owl, but Owl, just kicks Sharkbot in the stomach and pushes him aside. The other's try to intervene, but Owl just calls in back up.
Suddenly Darrel, Wade, and Swamp Alien come out the other chopper and start fighting with the other hero's.
Ms. Solider tries to stop Owl's shit, grabbing him but Owl takes off his helmet and wraps his arm around his wife and gives her a kiss. She tries to push away but really enjoyed the feeling of his lips onto her's.

(She definitely got some of that dick later)

They break the kiss, feeling some saliva on each other's lips.
"Haven't felt that in a while" She said.
"Oh, you'll be feeling more later," Owl said.
"Hey uh- this sweet and all, but, could you get me out of here please?" Evan asked.

Owl cuts Evan free, takes him and his wife's hand. He leads them to the chopper. The others are still fighting, Swamp Alien handling most the work, as he is the only strong one available.
As they get in, Max tries to stop them by grabbing onto the chopper; as he pulls the chopper back, Evan stomps on his face causing him to let go. Blood coming out of his nose.

They take off, Evan happy as hell. His idol really came to save him? Best day ever to Evan! It was so sudden, but so cool.
Evan looks at the chopper pilot, there a man with white skin, dark red eyes and the pupils yellow, his face looking to be around his late 30's or more, his white suit looking like he just got hired to pull off a bank heist; the man was Lucifer Jr. the son of The Devil himself, flying the chopper with him, Owl, Ms. Soldier all in it. Singing Move like a jagger, while flying the helicopter.
Trusted? Probably not, but Evan could barely give a shit at the moment.

"Do you guys have a phone or something I can use? I need to call my dad," Evan asked, trying to make sure that him and Sam were safe and Zach wasn't dead.
Lucifer looked back at Evan, "Yeah! But you gotta pay to use it." He said jokingly before laughing his ass off. "Nah I'm just fucking with you, go ahead and use my phone." Lucifer said, handing his phone to Evan.
Evan thanks Lucifer, quickly dialing his dad's number.
There was a 20 second wait, then Zero picked up the undefined number.
"Hello?" Zero said, wondering who the hell is calling him.
"Dad! It's me! I'm alright!" Evan said.
Zero, sounding grateful his son is alright speaks again, "That's good! Me and Zach are almost home! But..." he said, giving Evan a confused and concerned expression. "Sam, was taken. Some dudes in an SUV, they took her and just left me and Zach. Also where the hell are you? I hear a chopper."
"I'm with the hero's! Owl saved me! But that's not important- who took Sam?!" Evan asked his father.
"I'm not sure, I saw their license plate. KQT 6679," Zero said.
Owl, who was silent during this, remembers that license plate from when he was an assassin. He grabbed the phone from Evan, "WAS IT A BLACK SUV?!" Owl shouted.
"Yeah! Why?" Zero asked.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck... your friend is in danger! You gotta help her before they fucking kill her! They're like a mafia! You don't ever leave alive!" Owl said.
"LET ME HELP HER!!! PLEASE!!!" Evan said.
"This is dangerous..." Owl said, "these guys are professionally trained." He stated.
"I don't care. She's my friend. I can do this. You just gotta trust me.." Evan said.

The Angel's Son: The new Purple Eye, Batpool #1Where stories live. Discover now