Chapter 4: Batpool's return

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October 18th, 2021

The past 4 days were different for Evan have been different after he turned 13; his behavior and way he acts have been changed. He has been seeming more lost when trying to pay attention, before his birthday he could pay attention well but now he could not. Evan just seems more interested into art more despite him isolating himself in his room painting, drawing, or just sketching beautiful flowers he wishes that were real. He claimed they are but nobody has seen a green flower that was bigger than a tree. Zero and Taki seem to think it's just Evan growing up and possibly wanting to change himself more after his resurrection, confused on how their son has came back to life. However, Zach seems to think differently; he doesn't see Evan the same, then again, saying he's always wasting time thinking about Camilla in his room. Obviously pissing Evan off a bit but just lets it slide.

As Zero and Taki try to figure out what to do about Evan's behavior; Evan and Camilla walk around together, walking down a path on the sidewalk where leafs fall down and one lands on Evan's hair.

"So... how has things been since you suddenly just came back?" -Camilla

"It's been good!" -Evan

It just seems Evan has been paying attention to more Camilla than anyone else for some reason.

"Really now? Do you remember how this happened?" -Camilla

"Not really- I just remember waking up after seeing a light that closed as I was brought back" -Evan

"Hm, your dad said there was a bullet wound in your head, I don't understand how it's all healed up" -Camilla

"I don't know either, maybe after I came back I was healed?" -Evan

"Maybe" -Camilla

As the two continue to walk, Camilla seems a little weirded a bit.

"You alright?" -Evan

"Yeah- just kinda... something." -Camilla

"What's wrong?" -Evan

"If I tell you.. Will you not tell anyone..?" -Camilla

"I promise!" -Evan

Camilla sighed as she grabs Evan's arm and they both stand under a tree that has leaves falling down. She lifts her sleeves up; revealing cigarette burns and bruises.

"My pants have been beating the shit out of me.." -Camilla

"Are you serious?!" -Evan

"Don't tell anyone. I'm sure they'll change.. those crack addicted assholes don't know what they're doing right." -Camilla

"Cam..." -Evan

"It's okay Evan.. just don't tell anyone please.. I don't wanna go away to a foster home.." -Camilla

"But.." -Evan

"Please! You promised me!" -Camilla

"Alright... I won't tell.." -Evan

Camilla hugs Evan tight. Evan held Camilla close and whispering to her he won't tell anyone. Their hearts connecting and building a promise together. Evan wishes he could tell a soul. But no soul shall know about a secret he promised to hold in his heart.

"Just please be careful Cam.." -Evan

"I will.." -Camilla

Camilla then boops his nose playfully. Evan gives off a nice chuckle. They break off the hug where then Camilla says she needs to go home. She gives Evan a playful smack on the ass; Evan laughs and does the same to Camilla.

The Angel's Son: The new Purple Eye, Batpool #1Where stories live. Discover now