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January 1st 2008

Matilda lies in bed, thinking about how she can afford the money for her college. She wanted to go quickly, she didn't wanna live in a shitty home with roommates who couldn't respect her privacy and different love type. Matilda's roommates always called her the f slur for being a lesbian, wishing she could just shut them up. She couldn't she wasn't strong enough. Fucking hell she always thought to herself, sometimes even touched in places she shouldn't be, gripping her breast and bottom. Matilda one time couldn't handle it anymore and smashed a lamp over her roommates head. She was threatened to be kicked out if she didn't change her act.

"God, I hate these pricks" -Matilda

Matilda got up and went to the bathroom, turning on the shower and removing her clothes. She looks at the mirror and sometimes wonders to herself if people just see her as a whore with a "sexy" body. She quits thinking about it and gets in the shower, washing herself and few minutes later leaving the bathroom. She needed at least 20,000 CAD to be able to get into the college she wanted. Wanting to be a fashion designer. She remembers there's a computer in the living room, she leaves her room and went to the living room. She got on but the computer had such shitty connection but eventually managing to find a job for a work.

"Need a personal helper for phone calls and emails" -Matilda

"Will pay around 200$ a week!? Please call and register today, must be at least 18 to apply." -Matilda

Matilda then quickly dials the phone number on the living room telephone. Suddenly someone else is on the line.

"Hello?" -??

"Hi! I'm hoping you're still hiring for that personal helper at the Raker company?" -Matilda

"Well sweetheart it is your lucky day, you are currently speaking to Norman Raker, the owner of this company. Come on down and I'll get you set up for your first day." -Norman

Matilda then excitedly hung up the phone and got ready. She grabbed her car keys and went out and got in her car and starts it. She drives to the company where she is greeted by a guard at the gate.

"Leave the area now" -Guard

"But I'm here for the—" -Matilda

"Whoa! Hey now, no need to fight over this, sorry about that you must be here for the interview?" -Norman

"Oh! Yes, I'm Matilda by the way" -Matilda

"Matilda, let's get you set up for today" -Norman

Norman showed Matilda around, the building looking like it cost millions possibly billions to make. She was amazed this would be her job. Norman takes Matilda into his office, he sat down on his chair.

"So Matilda, you used to work at a donut shop?" -Norman

"Yeah- hehe.." -Matilda

"Well maybe you can help with phone calls between 10am to 3pm with a pay of 35 per call?" -Norman

"Really?! Thank you!" -Matilda

For the next week, Matilda has been working her ass off to make the money, answering pointless dumb calls from one to another. Norman then calls her to his office. Matilda enters and sees a bunch of sluts and dancers giving lap dances on other workers. Matilda couldn't help but blush by this scene.

"Matilda! I heard you were a lesbian?" -Norman

"O-Oh! Yes! Uhh.. who told you?" -Matilda

"Your roommate, David I think came in and told me about your thing with chicks and tried getting ya fired! I said keep your whiny ass out of my building" -Norman

The Angel's Son: The new Purple Eye, Batpool #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt