Part Seven

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22 hours ago....

"Alright, Reid and Morgan head down to interrogation. Cat should already be there. Rossi and I will meet with the Chief at the precinct."

Morgan nodded and headed towards the building. I had bent down to tie my shoe, realizing he was already a few feet away, I jumped up and ran after him.

"Thanks for waiting" I said sarcastically.

"Gotta stay on your toes, genius" Morgan teased.

We continued walking towards the building.

"So, Pretty Boy, are you ready to be a dad?"

"Well, the statistics are pretty much on our side so I think Nova will do great. She's amazing as it is and being a moth-"

Morgan stopped and turned to me.

"Whoa, whoa, Reid.. I didn't ask if Nova was ready I said are you ready? I'm just checking in on you, man. I know when Savannah was pregnant I was terrified. Not knowing if I was gonna do right by my son, it's scary. Raising a kid isn't about the statistics, it's just rolling the dice."

I stared at him blankly.

"Yeah...I..uh haven't really thought too much into it. My brain has been working around the clock to come up with any solution to keep her alive and well for as long as I can."

Confusion grew on Morgan's face. I cleared my throat.

"I haven't told anyone. Neither of us have. JJ knows because, well she's Nova's best friend and she was there. But um... Nova is at risk because of her injury from last year." I said, moving my hand behind my neck.

"Reid, you should've told us. We're family, man. Look, I'll talk to Sav. She was just promoted to head of OB/GYN. She'll take Nova so that way we can stay on top of it."

I couldn't speak. I've closed myself off for so long that I forget about the amazing people I call family.

"Thank you, Derek."

"Let's go Pretty Boy"

We both started back for the building, making our way inside, swiping our IDs and handing over our side pieces. Officer Matthews walked us down a long, concrete hallway stopping in front of a giant steel door.

"She's demanded only talking to Dr.Reid. If anyone else is to come in, she's chosen silence."

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay, I'll go. Morgan just wait behind the glass."

I pushed the door open, revealing Cat on the other side of the room, propped against the long steel table in the middle of the room.

"Spencie!!" She shouted.

I stepped into the room, the door closing behind me. I sat down across from her, crossing my arms over in front of me.

"What do you want Cat?"

"Spencie.. I just want to catch up. It's been so long"

I stood up, pushing my chair in.

"You can talk to Agent Morgan. I'm not your middle man, Cat." I said walking towards the door.

"Oh but Spencie, he wouldn't be able to tell me all of the heartwarming details about Agent Johnson."

I froze.

How does she know about Nova? What is she trying to pull?

I turned around and slowly walked towards her, pulling the chair out, sitting back down.

"Aww, Spencie has a crush. Tsk, tsk, we don't need to reminisce about poor Maeve do we Spencie?"

I swallowed hard as I felt my body fill with anger. A few years ago, Nova was in her second year of training and I was in love with her cousin... Maeve. Cat had her connections on the outside kidnap and kill her. By the time we got there it was too late. I watched as she was shot in the head and fell to the ground, bleeding to death. The only person I opened the door for was Nova. She stayed with me for days, just being there and crying with me. Cat took pride in how bad it did me.

"Cat, she has nothing to do with me and you. You will NEVER get ahold of her. All of your outside privileges have been revoked and you have two of the top FBI trained guards assigned to you 24/7. There is no way that's going to happen again because I'll kill you if you tried."

Cat lowered her arms and leaned closer against the table. I leaned in to meet her gaze.

"Oh Spencie, I always get my way and she will end up with Maeve." She whispered.

The rage that was boiling inside of me was too much to contain. I slung the table across the room, wrapped my hands around her throat and slung her against the wall. Only seeing red, I squeezed until I felt Morgan pulling me off of her.

"Reid, Reid! Come on man, let go!!

I pulled away shoving her against the wall one last time. Officer Matthews pulled my hands behind me and cuffed them.

"I'm sorry Dr.Reid but I have to arrest you for aggravated assault against Cat Adams. Let's go"

"I'll call Hotch!" Morgan shouted as I was escorted out of the room.

We walked back down the long cold hallway, out the doors and into the back of his SUV. The drive to the precinct wasn't long. I spotted Hotch and Rossi as Officer Matthews led me to booking. I watched as he handed me off to another officer and walked over to Hotch explaining the situation. I knew eventually this would go away but now I had to deal with the consequences. I was led to a cell and sat down on the cold bench waiting for my release.

Nova and I were married legally but our rings weren't going to be ready until tomorrow which is why Cat didn't pick up on it. I wasn't wearing mine. I knew they'd have to call her. It's after 3am in Virginia.

After what felt like years, officer Matthews came over to my cell and buzzed open the door. I looked up.

"Let's go Reid. Your wife made bail."

I jumped up and followed him out to the steel doors. It buzzed open and I saw everyone standing around her. I ran over to her and picked her up, holding on to her after missing her warmth. I placed her back down and one by one returned hugs to everyone else. I grabbed Nova's hand and we headed out the door to the car.

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