Part Six

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The ride to Quantico was silent. I could barely breathe. I don't understand what happened. He's been gone for 18 hours and somehow got arrested. Reid doesn't drink unless it's with me. He's been clean off of dilaudid for over a year. He wouldn't risk everything we have to relapse.

What the hell is going on?

"Nova..? You've been quiet since we left the apartment..Tell me what the charges are.."

"Penni..I just can't wrap my head around it all. He would never risk what we have especially now that we are having a baby. I don't understand it."

"Nova.. the charges?"

I sighed.

"Public intoxication and narcotics possession.."

Penelope stayed silent for a moment.

"Dilaudid is a hard addiction to overcome, love. He's done so well but who's to say this whole Cat Adams thing hasn't pushed him into relapse?"

"NO! Penelope, I'm telling you he would never do that. I know everyone thinks they know him better than I do but they don't! I've cried with him at his worse and celebrated his best. We were best friends long before we ever started dating. He was the one I would call at 2am and would have NO hesitation to come to my side. He wouldn't do it Penelope because without him I would be lost and he knows that" I cried.

I dropped my head in my hands and wept. The car came to a stop. Penelope placed her hand on my shoulder, sympathetically.

"Honey, I know you do. I know what you two have been through but we can't rule anything out until we know for sure. Come on, we have a plane to catch."

We made it inside where JJ was waiting for us in the bullpen. She opened her arms, pulling me into her embrace. I pulled away and she wiped the tears from my face.

"Hey, it's going to be okay" She said.

I nodded my head unable to speak. We headed to the roof towards the jet. As we boarded, I looked around and spotted Spencer's jacket thrown across his seat. He must've forgotten it. I picked it up and sat down. JJ and Penelope sat across from me. I pulled the jacket up to my cheek as we took off. I've never been much of the flying type. Spence always held my hand and talked me through it.

2 hours later....

We landed in Florida. Morgan and Rossi met us at the gate.

"Hey, pretty ladies" Derek said opening the car door.

I smiled a bit before hopping in, Penelope and JJ behind me. I stared at the window as Rossi drove.

"I hate the conditions that we are all here on but everything will be okay" Rossi says, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"I hope so" I replied.

We arrived at the police station. I grabbed my purse and stepped out of the car. Taking a breath of fresh air, we headed up the path. I made my way to the front desk, the others not far behind.

"Excuse me?" I said

The receptionist looked up at me from behind her glasses.

"Yes ma'am?" She replied.

"I received a phone call to collect my husband" I told her.


"Spencer Reid.."

She clacked away on her keyboard for a moment then spun around, grabbing a stack of papers.

"Fill these out, hon and an officer will be with you shortly" She said handing me the stack of papers.

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