Part Five

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Spence made it to the door, pulling it open to reveal Penelope and JJ on the other side.

"Hey Wonder Boy!" Penelope said walking into the apartment, JJ following behind.

"Well, come in" Spence replied shutting the door.

I made my way out of the bathroom and towards the living room. I'm pretty sure I looked like a re-enactment of Bambi learning to walk. Spence came to my side, holding my arm so I could stand.

"Well, well, I'm glad we got here when we did. Any sooner we would've walked in on it" JJ teased.

I rolled my eyes.

"Always a pleasure you two. What's up?"

"Hotch sent us for Spencer... there is a new case that's come up in relation to a past case and they need boy genius."

"How long will he be gone?" I asked.

"Unfortunately it's in Florida.."


I was so angry. How could Hotch do this?

"Nova, I know you're upset but he HAS to go. It''s the..uh Cat Adam's case." JJ stuttered.

I stared at her blankly, almost forgetting to breathe before I turned towards Spencer. He really did have to go.

"It's just for a few days... we can postpone and have it when I get back" Spence said pulling me close to him.

"You HAVE to be back before our appointment" I said sternly.

Spence nodded his head and turned towards the bedroom to get ready and grab his go bag. Tears began to fill my eyes. This was the first time I would be alone without him. Pregnant. Tears streamed down my face. Both of the girls, slid in for hugs, reassuring me that they would stay with me until he was home. After a few minutes, he returned buttoning his shirt as he walked out. He looked up and saw my face, red and puffy from crying.

"It's just a few days. I don't want to go either but you have Penelope and Jennifer with you. I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you so so much but this is something I have no control over."

"I know.." I sniffled.

Spence pulled me into his embrace, smelling the top of my head. I pulled my head back and kissed him. After a few seconds, he pulled away grabbing his go bag and heading towards the door.

"I love you Nova Reid" he smiled as he opened the door.

"I love you more Spencer Reid" I said returning the smile as he closed the door.

As the door shut I turned around, grinning ear to ear.

" I can't stand the romance! It's like we're living in the Notebook!" Penelope gawked.

A little while later...

Penelope, Jennifer and I were all laughing through our wine glasses, sitting around the coffee table. Mine was non-alcoholic of course.

"Hey, soo, I have to talk about something" I said.

"Shoot" Jenni said sipping her glass.

"What's the deal with Spence and Cat Adams?" I questioned.

Penelope and Jennifer paused, looking at one another.

"Um.. Nova.. before you joined the team we had a bad case that involved Reid and a woman named Catherine Adams." Penelope explained.

"I remember JJ telling me about it the night before my entrance exams. What does it have to do with Spencer?"

"Well.. Cat held Diana hostage until Reid went on a date with her. At the end of the night...there was a really steamy kiss and we all thought Reid had caught feelings for her because he started visiting her in prison up until a few days after you started." JJ went on.

I sat silent, staring at the back of my hands. The part of him I begged to see was the part he didn't imagine doing with me but with her. My heart sunk as I grabbed my stomach. If she never went to jail who's to say that she wouldn't be here instead of me?

"Nova? Are you okay?" JJ rubbed my arm.

"No. Earlier today... I practically begged him to show me that side. He did and now I can't stop pondering if it was actually me he was picturing. He barely looked at me which isn't like him. Every time he can't take his eyes off me. What if he really was picturing Cat?"

"Nova, don't talk like that. He loves you. We have known him for along time and he has never fallen for anyone like he has for you. You're pregnant for Gods sake?!" Penelope rambled.

"Yeah Penelope, I'm pregnant because we had drunken sex on Valentine's Day. That doesn't change the fact that he never told me about it and now he's in fucking Florida with her."

"He's not with her. He's with the team. Our family. We all love him and YOU. There is nothing that would change that." JJ said wiping the tears that fell from my eyes.

"Penelope is going to stay with you until Spence gets home. I will be over every morning but I have Will and the kids so I can't stay. Are you gonna be okay?" JJ asked.

"I always am" I reassured her.

Jenni said her goodbyes and headed out the door. Penelope and I watched movies until we fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said groggily. I looked at the clock in the kitchen. 3:17 a.m.

"Hello, is this Mrs.Reid?"


"Mrs.Reid, this is Officer Matthews from the Panama City Police Department."

I sat straight up feeling the panic rise in my throat.

"Your husband was arrested for public intoxication and narcotics possession. We will need you to come down and sign some paperwork so we can release him."

Tears swelled in my eyes.

"Um.. yes sir, I'll be there in a few hours."

I hung up and shook Penelope awake.

"You are interrupting my beauty sleep ma'am" Penelope groaned.

"Penni.." I sniffled.

She turned to me and sat up.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"Spencer is in jail" I wept.

Penelope jumped up grabbing her phone.

" I'm on it, sweetness. Let's get to Quantico and we'll take the jet. I'll call JJ and Hotch on the way."

I grabbed my keys and we ran out the door.

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