Part Two

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A little while later...

Reid put the car in park jumping out to open my door. He extended his hand, gesturing me to step down.

"Why thank you kind sir" I said in a corny british accent.

Reid chuckled.

"But of course my lady" He said in the same corny accent.

We headed up the cobblestone pathway to the enormous glass doors. Reid scanned his key card. As we got in the elevator, I felt a pit of excitement running through my body. The doors finally opened. Trying not to run, I sped towards the bullpen. Spence always being faster, pushed the doors open. Penelope ran over for hugs and the rest followed.

"O.M.G what are you guys doing here? The wedding is in 3 days! You guys should be planning!" Penelope enthused.

"We know. We just were so excited to go over last minute details and the schedule." I said excited.

"Hey Penelope, Can you gather everyone up to the roundtable?" Spence asked.

"You don't even have to ask."

Penelope began waddling around corralling everyone upstairs. After they made it in, Reid took my hand and we walked to the front of the room.

"So what are we in for Pretty Boy?" Morgan teased.

Spence and I looked at each other smiling.

"We just wanted to go over a few preparations and last minute changes." I said trying to keep in every bit of excitement I could.

"Wait a second...Changes? I didn't spend 4 hours arguing with the wedding planner over flower placements and table covers just fo-"

"Woah woah babygirl. Let's give them some time to talk" Morgan says calming Penni down.

"Its okay Penelope. We aren't actually making any changes to the wedding" I teased.

Spencer continued.

"But in about two weeks we are going to have a shower..."

"Oh.My.LANTA! Ladies and Gentlemen our beloved Nova and the good doctor are expecting a little genius of their own!!" Garcia squealed jumping out of her chair for hugs. She ran up pulling us both into her embrace.

One by one, everyone gave their hugs and congratulations.

"Well I'll be damned Pretty Boy! You really do have game!" Morgan joked, pulling Reid into his embrace.

"Oh trust me, it's a shock that this hasn't happened sooner." I said playfully.

"With all the stories I've heard, I can't either" JJ chimed in.

I looked across the room to see Spence staring me down. I felt that tingling sensation rise in my feet.

Maybe a little teasing won't hurt

I turned around talking to Kate, dropping my phone. I could see his reflection in the glass still staring at me. I bent down to grab the phone, slightly arching my back causing my butt to protrude.

As I came back up, I had unbuttoned my shirt only enough to reveal minimal cleavage. Penelope called out to me causing me to spin around so quickly that I snapped out of my lust filled trance almost revealing my entire chest.

"Nova.... are you okay?" Penelope questioned.

"Oh...yeah I'm just feeling a little sick. I'll be right back." I told her making my way to the bathroom.

I walked into the handicapped stall and locked the door. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess.

A few seconds later, I heard the bathroom door open then the lock click. Out of fear I walked over to the stall door. No sooner than I had unlatched the door, Spence pushed it open pulling me towards him. He planted his lips on mine with such hungry passion. I sunk into his kisses. His hands traveled through my hair, down my shoulders, clutching my breasts as if they were baseballs. I felt his hands make their way down my torso. He tugged at the waistline of my pants ripping them down.

Never pulling away from our kiss, he placed his hand over my throbbing vuvla rubbing circles around my engorged clit. A soft moan erupted from my mouth. His pace began to quicken. I felt my orgasm rising. He abruptly stopped, pulling away his hand shoving it in my mouth.

"You like being a little tease don't you?" He said

"Spence..please...please... I'm almost there" I whimpered.

"Why would I want to please a little slut like you? You're just a hot tease"

My body tensed up with hot passion as he spoke.

"I'm sorry.. Oh God please just fuck me before I loose it" I cried.

He unloosened his belt tossing me onto the edge of the sink, pulling out his cock and plunging himself inside of me. I cried out in joy. Over and over again each thrust harder than the last. I felt my orgasm coming quickly. I ran my hands along the walls of the stall grabbing the handicap bars for stability. My legs started to shake uncontrollably as my grip tightened. I slumped down against the mirror bracing myself as we reached our climax.

After a few more thrusts, Spence pummeled down onto my chest as both of us tried to catch our breath. I winced slightly as Spencer pulled himself out and stepped back to help me down from the sink. I stood still for a moment waiting for my legs to stop shaking.

Scanning the floor, I saw my pants thrown over the back of the toilet. I reached over to grab them and realized Spence must've broken the zipper as he tore them off.

"Umm...babe?" I said shakily.

Spence spun around to face me whilst buttoning his pants.

"Yes love?" He said still fumbling with the button.

"How am I supposed to go back out there WHEN YOU RIPPED MY PANTS?!" I whispered loudly.

Reid paused buttoning his shirt as his eyes widened. He grabbed the pants from me and tried to pull the zipper back together. He gave up and flung the pants across the room, unintentionally towards me. I flinched hard as the zipper came in contact with my bottom lip.

" Shit!" Reid exclaimed as he cupped his hands around my face examining the small cut.

"I am so, so sorry babe."

I let out a giggle.

" That was SO hot. Who knew Spence has a violent side?" I teased.

Spencer sighed in disbelief.

" Nova I love you but the fact that you thought an act of frustrated violence was hot and a turn on worries me."

"Good, I enjoy you worrying about me." I teased bringing him in for a kiss.

"Now go tell JJ that there was a fire in the restroom."

Spence had a puzzled look on his face.

"Trust me she'll know." I reassured him.

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