4:27 pm

78 5 27

Mild TW? I don't know if it is, it's more implied... Unless you speak German, then it's put rather bluntly-




"Milk? That's du-"

Knock, knock, knock.

Giggling at the UK and EU throwing various liquids across the room, the USSR wandered across the kitchen, pulling open the front door and greeting their guest.

"Mr, UN!"

"Good afternoon Mr. USSR," The UN smiled, his eyes not quite matching his enthusiastic tone, "May I come in?"

"Да, of course!" Nodding politely, the USSR let the UN in, offering him a seat at the grand dining table, which he gladly accepted.

"Good evening, Sir," The UK greeted, sitting opposite him and beside her dear Soviet, "What brings you here?"

"My own personal interest, I suppose," The UN hummed, "I prefer not to chase down rumours, but on this occasion, I believe I should."

"Is something wrong, Herr UN?" Germany asked, taken by surprise as he emerged from the bathroom smelling strongly of lavender and aftershave.

"If my sources are to be believed, there is to be a rather... controversial wedding soon?"

As he spoke, the UK froze, slipping her hand through her hair and Soviet gazed across at the UN in a grimly surprised manner. Even Germany seemed taken aback, though the UN his gaze was fixed upon. For once, he found himself questioning the EU's intentions, despite their alliance and close friendship. He'd known that she had informed the UN and he supported her decision, but asking him to interfere?

"Does it concern you?" The UK finally asked, an icy storm smothering the supposed warmth of her tone.

"Unfortunately, it does. Something as significant as this could cause a considerable rise in world tensions, especially as NATO and Russia-"

"NATO and Russia don't know and won't need to for quite some time," Soviet replied coldly.

"I agree, but... Please handle this delicately," The UN sighed, "It's worrying enough that we can't return Mr. USSR to the Afterlife without an additional conflict breaking out."

"We'll be careful, Mr. UN," Britain replied, finally dropping the friendly façade. "But we aren't cancelling the wedding."

"Of course," The UN nodded, defeated, "Congratulations, by the way." And with that, he stood up, bowing and taking his leave.

"EU, can we talk upstairs?" Germany asked abruptly in an abrasive, near commanding tone. Silently, the EU nodded, fully aware of what was about to come.

"Why did you ask the UN to stop them?"

"I didn't!" The EU whispered urgently, "I told him, you know that, but I didn't know he was going to do this!"

"Ok," Germany nodded, "I understand..."



"You still want him gone, don't you?"

"Ja, of course. It isn't as bad as we thought though... And we need to do this diplomatically now more than ever..."

"Agreed, but when? It's not like we can ask him to leave now that-"



"Don't worry, I can't see them downstairs..."

"Thank god..."


"Sovi" Britain sighed, relaxing as Germany pulled the door shut without spotting her eavesdropping. "I don't know how much longer you can be here... With Ame, and now this..."

"I know," Soviet nodded slowly, "but there has to be a way for me to stay with you..."

"I could always-"

"ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИЯ, НЕТ!" Soviet shrieked, "Not that, never that..."

"But I-"

"I'm not going to be the reason you... you..."

"Sovi, are you... crying?"

"I've never cried before... You mean everything to me..."

"Soviet... I'd rather be with you than live in a world where everyone hates me..."

"We're ba- What's happening?" Germany asked, pausing midway down the stairs, staring at the teardrop resting of the Russian's cheek.

"West... Sie will sich umbrigen"

"NEIN!" Germany shrieked, sprinting to the UK's side, "Bitte... Mutti, please... I need you... please don't leave me..."

"Heyyyy I'm sorry... Please don't cry Germany..." But it was far too late for that... Ger was cuddled up on Britain's lap, crying his heart out and wrapping his arms around her, shaking with every hysterical fit of tears.

"I won't do it, I promise you Ger..." The UK whispered, heart shattering as Germany - the child that she had long since considered her favourite son - cried, clinging to her like the world depended on it.

"P-Promise me?"

"I promise you, Ger..."

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