3:40 pm

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This chapter is a l o n g b o i -

"Any ideas?" Ame sighed indignantly, glancing over at Germany's mountain of textbooks.

"Well..." Germany grunted, "I have at theory, but I can't guarantee it'll work..."

"Go on..."

"At some point, the USSR transferred from life to death the first time. My somewhat unproven hypothesis-"

"In normal-people words-"

"My theory is that the point where he died will have a weaker boundary between life and death than the rest of the world for him specifically. My hypothesis is that if he were to die again in that same place, the original tear in the in the boundary will reopen, allowing him back into the afterlife again with as little damage to his spirit or to the world as possible."

"PERFECT!" Ame yelled, jumping up and hugging a rather unamused Germany.

"Except for the fact that it's illegal and will probably fail, yes."


"Are you two done?" The EU giggled, practically bouncing into the room and flopping onto the sofa. "I'm bore-e-e-e-d!"

"Gott..." Germany sighed, "How much coffee did you drink?!"

"A few cups," Euro replied, smiling and springing back up again, pointing across the room, "DOGGY!"

Ears twitching, the German Shepherd cocked its head, glistening brown eyes fixed unwaveringly on the organisation. Mildly amused by her enthusiasm, it trotted over to her, sniffing her outstretched hand and (clearly deciding that she was worthy) gave it a small lick of approval.

"What's his name?" EU grinned excitedly, gazing up at Germany from on her knees petting it.

"Her name," Ger corrected, "is Wulf."

Hearing her companion call her name, Wulf turned away from the EU, striding across the room and sitting at Ger's side, wagging her tail fondly as she licked her best friend's arm.

"Wow..." Ame murmured, "She's better behaved than most of my states."

"Most things are better behaved than your states," The EU mused, pacing around the living room, "I remember one time I was at a petrol station..."

"Not this story again, I had to read it enough times on the court order-"

"And Texas and Oklahoma were there with Arkansas-"

"Wow, look at the time!" Germany suddenly burst out, "I need to walk Wulf! Auf weidersehen!"

Before anyone could even begin to question him, he dashed out of the door, Wulf hot on his heels.

"I was about to tell a story..." Euro whined, finally becoming sedentary and resting her head against Ame's shoulder.

"EU... That was the point..."



"This is... gorgeous house!" The USSR smiled as he gazed around the UK's rather impressive residence, a Tudor palace places tastefully overlooking a crystal-blue lake, "Very unlike anything I see in Russia..."

"Why thank you!" The UK blushed, unable to avert her gaze from the warm, alluring glow of Soviet's eye.

"Are you sure you want to have me?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you," Sovi grinned, "You want payment for this?"

"No, no!" Britain laughed kindly, "You're my guest! Fancy some tea?"

"Да! I've never had your tea before..."

"Really? Goodness, I should've made you some during World War Two! I'm sure you'll love it!"

Quite taken aback by the Brit's softness, Soviet watched as the UK darted around her vast kitchen, crafting the two cups of tea as if it was a perfectly precise science. At last, she turned back to him, handing him a china teacup full of a rather strong brew that she figured would suit the Russian's particular taste.

"Wow," Soviet blinked, "It's hot... It's nice though, like you..."

"I... I'm glad you like it..." Britain blushed, caught entirely off-guard, "T-Thank you..."

The pair paused awkwardly, both absorbed in the deja-vu of their unexpected reunion. They were finally together again with nothing to keep them from each other... Just like the olden days... Back then, the Allied Meeting Room became their safe place, a tranquil space where they had nothing to think of but each other within a cruel, chaotic world of death and destruction at the hands of the Nazi Germans.

Disturbing the thoughtful silence, the UK whispered, "Your room is just up the stairs and to the left. I've been trying to tidy the house up, but I'm afraid I'm not quite done yet, so forgive me if the house is slightly cluttered..."

"Not a problem!" The USSR smiled, "I can help if you want, Великобритания."

"Oh... Well, only if you'd be happy to..." Britain stuttered, not used to being shown such affection. "Thank you, dear."

Smiling once again and nodding politely, Soviet headed up the stairs in search of his bedroom, leaving the UK alone, her heart racing at a million miles per hour.


"So... You're going to plot this without Germany?" The EU murmured, glancing over at the USA's notepad, "Bad idea, but ok..."

"Shh, I'm thinking!"





"America... You're becoming addicted to the drama of this all I think... I can't be with you if you carry on being so obsessed with the Soviet Union..." Euro sighed, "I love you, but you haven't exactly treated me well since this morning... This isn't going to be healthy for either of us if something doesn't change..."

"So that's it? You're breaking up with me already?" Ame scoffed, glaring daggers at the equally peeved Euro.

"If you don't get your act together, yes."


"Back," Germany announced, pulling open the living room door and allowing Wulf to slink in onto the rug in the room's centre. Immediately, the duo was met by an eerie silence, as America was curled up in a grumpy heap on the floor and the EU was nowhere to be seen. "Erm... What happened?"

"She broke up with me for no reason!" America burst out, rising to his feet.

"I had a perfectly valid reason!" The EU shouted, emerging from the kitchen with a chocolate bar, an alarmingly large bruise on her cheek and an uncharacteristic frown, turning to Ger and adding, "He's been plotting to kill Soviet by the way."


"Well, you weren't helping!" Ame retorted, flinging his notebook aside. "I'm doing this myself and neither of you have any hope of stopping me!" With that, he turned away, storming out of the house and into the night.

"This doesn't sound good..."

"Nein," Germany agreed, "He could start a serious conflict... We have to stop him before NATO gets involved."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Not yet... You?"

"I have an idea... Let's call this..."

"Operation Amerika."

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