Chapter 6

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By the time Sophia and Terri had made it home, the sun had started to set. They had lived in a shared apartment for a number of years, two bedrooms with a shared bathroom, they were used to each other's bad habits by this point. The kitchen and the living room were separated by a bar people could sit at, turning it into one big living space, it was fairly clean, bits of dust in hard to reach places, a few dirty dishes in the sink, but it was liveable.

The pair had made the journey home in silence, not uttering a word to each other, still processing the day they had experienced. Sophia was thinking about Jack, now known as Hunter, how she had finally found him after three months, and how she now had the opportunity to save him from the darkness, even if she didn't fully understand it. Terri was thinking about how ludicrous this all was, she had worked so hard to get to where she was today, and now she was being told to give it all up just so she could potentially save someone she didn't care much about. Both of them had a lot to think about.

What started out as a trip to view a fashion exhibition in the V&A turned into being asked to join some superhero group by one of the most powerful women in the world. Even trying to process such a day would take some effort. They needed something to drink. Terri immediately went into the kitchen to make some tea while Sophia sat on one of the stools at the bar. Both of them trying to find the words to say. It was Terri who broke the silence while grabbing two mugs from the cupboard.

"So what do you think?" It took a moment for Sophia to realise Terri was speaking to her as she was that deep in thought, she brought herself back into the room to focus on what Terri was asking her.

"About what?"

"Well, about this whole Nightmare Killers thing, I mean, it sounds ridiculous once you start thinking about it."

"'s not that ridiculous." Terri turned to face Sophia, even after all this time to think about it, to process it, she was still considering joining them, how? Sophia must have been brainwashed or Cynthia was just that good at convincing people. The kettle finished boiling as Terri turned back, continuing to make the tea as Sophia continued.

"What? It sounds like a worthwhile experience, something different."

"It's not a round the world cruise you're talking about, it's risking your life on a daily basis."

"Well if Jack has done it for so long, then maybe I can do it." Terri started to ramble as she brought the teapot and cups over to the bar.

"May I remind you what you would be getting involved in? You would be going face to face with those creatures that we saw in the courtyard, risking your life every time, potentially getting killed in the process, while trying to save someone who snuffed you three months ago. Not to mention you would have to keep it a secret from everyone you know, friends, family, the lot, you couldn't tell a soul for fears of repercussions. And after all that, after all of that, you still think this is a good idea?"

"Look, I'll say it again, if there is an opportunity to save Jack, it is still worth it. I still believe that."

"And I still believe you should see a therapist." Both of them were now getting into the conversation, blood pumping, pulse rising, both of them were ready to defend their viewpoint. Terri started pouring out tea for both of them while Sophia tried to think of a comeback line.

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Yes, remember my prom date?"

"That doesn't count. Just because he gave you a peck on the cheek and a rose doesn't mean you were in love."

"Ok, no I haven't. Why does that matter?"

"Because if you understood what it was like to be in love, then you might understand what I'm going through right now." Truth be told, Terri had never been interested in love. She wasn't against it, but she was so focussed on her career that she never had time or interest for it. She was determined however, to make Sophia see her side of things, she was not backing down from this.

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