part 6

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it was the next day and matt and chris had been sleeping forever like it was literally two in the afternoon, but chris didn't care, he knew matt really needed sleep the most.

'good morning kiddosss!' nick saids excitedly while entering matt's room not even knocking or noticing matt still sleeping.

'SHHH! he's still sleeping dumbass!!' chris saids whispering loudly at him trying to not wake up matt.

'oh sorry, my bad!' nick saids also whispering loudly.

chris slowly moves his arm from under matt trying his best to not wake him up, gets up from his bed and quietly walks out and closes the door to meet nick.

'dude, you literally almost woke him up!' chris saids.

'i'm sorry i didn't know' nick saids with a little smile on his face because he really didn't.

'come help me make breakfast, we can make matt's favorite!' he saids to chris.

'great idea, let's go!' chris answers while running downstairs to the kitchen like a little kid.

chris gets all the supplies they need to make breakfast and nick gets all the ingredients, after a few hours they finally make the food and set the table.

'breakfast!' nick shouts from downstairs to wake up matt.

as soon as he said that, nick and chris hears a loud thud and footsteps coming from upstairs and of course they see matt zooming downstairs to take seat.

'Jesus matt! what the heck kid?!'chris saids.

'sorry i smelled it from upstairs!' matt saids excitedly.

'looks like someone's in a good mood' nick saids while giving matt and chris their portion of food including himself.

chris smiles at matt when he finally sees him happy and eating.

a few minutes passes by and the three brothers are sitting down on the couch watching a movie, matt in the middle and chris on one side and nick on the other.

matt seemed to be feeling a lot better after the breakfast and the little time he had with chris and watching a movie with both brothers by his side just made him feel 10 times better and safer.

but, that didn't really stop him from hurting over amber, he hasn't ever really been this hurt over a girl before, i mean he's been through a break-up before but this one just hit different and hurt more.

'can i tell you guys something?' matt asked his two brothers.

'of course bud what's up?' nick answered looking at his little brother, chris also turned his attention to him.

"'i don't really wanna go to work tomorrow, it's just amber goes there a lot with her grandma and it's just gonna be awkward seeing her all the time and i would hate to feel like i'm gonna barf everytime i see her you know?' matt explained to them hoping they'd understand.

chris and nick share a look for a moment not really knowing what to say.

'well i get what your saying matt trust me but like how are we gonna make money and pay the bills and buy food and all that other stuff plus we all know you hate being home alone by yourself.' nick answered.

matt sighs, 'you're right.. i just wish we could-' he gets cut off by nick.

a huge gasp comes from nick as if his celebrity crush finally texted him back or something.

'I JUST GOT THE BEST IDEA, EVER!' nick excitedly said to his to brothers while jumping up from the couch.

'oh gosh what is it this time nick?' matt said sarcastically.

'okay like literally hear me out because this has got to be one of my best ideas!!' nick saids.

'kid, you've mentioned that already-!' chris saids.

'we're listening now will you please just spit it out?!'
matt saids a bit loudly now that nick got him all excited.

'what if, we were to start a youtube channel!?' nick saids.

chris and matt look at each other for a quick second with smiles on their faces and look back at nick.

'we're in!!' they both say in sync, as they always do.

'wait but what kind of content are we gonna do? i don't wanna do any tutorials or like something that'll be trending then people get tired of it a week later you know what i mean?' chris saids.

matt and nick think for a second.

'oh i think got an idea!' chris saids loudly in excitement.

'what?!' matt asks.

'we can do car videos! like just sit in the car talking about weird topics while eating and shit!' chris saids.

'oh yeah, and vlogs!' matt saids adding on the idea.

'yes dude! oh my gosh!' chris saids.

chris and matt look at nick for verification.

'let's do it!' nick saids with a smile on his face.

'YAY!' chris and matt said jumping with joy like they're about to go to disneyland.

the two younger brothers share a group hug with their older brother.

after that the triplets go over topics for videos, talk about who's gonna be editing the videos, their schedule, where and when they're gonna film, etc. (and so much more)

A/N: hello my little peeps, hope everything is going well for everyone and everything. okay so your prob wondering why tf i keep dying well guess what, i literally got super duper sick so sick that my dad thought i had a bug
(v*rus) and then when i was halfway better i lost so much motivation and yeah i was going through it bro but i'm better now thankfully and have motivation !! but anyways i hope y'all enjoyed this and sad to say we're getting a little close to the end, love u all mwah ☹️💕— Z:3

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better now - matt sturniolo Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora