chapter 4

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*3rd person pov*

"What a bunch of pick me" "tf is wrong with them?" "I didn't like them anyway they think they are the best bc they are rich"

"Can't you shut the fuck up?" Hyein turned angry toward the girls behind her who couldn't stop gossiping behind her back.

"Says who? The girl who forced my bf to kiss her?" She put an ugly smirk on her face. "Everything is written in the blog and you and your little friends are all shitty-"

With a swift and forceful motion, hyein's clenched fist shot forward, propelled by a surge of pent-up frustration. The impact reverberated through the air as her knuckles connected with the girl's cheek, the sound of flesh meeting flesh echoing in the room.

As the silence stretched between them, hyeins own hand trembled at the realization of what she had done. Her eyes widened with a mixture of regret and anger, her chest heaving with the weight of her actions.

"MISS LEE OUT NOW" hyein took her bag pack and took a glance to the girl crying and getting comforted by her friends.

She went to the rooftop and sat there, "hyein?" A voice was heard behind her "minji unnie" she looked at her surprised to see the girl ditching class.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at your favorite math class?" "Meh not in the mood" minji sigh and sat next to her.

"My parents are getting divorced" hyein said out of the blue

"Oh really? Am so sorry if you need to talk you can always count on me" minji smiled while hugging hyein.
"Thanks bur I don't really...hum idc" hyien tried to act cool about it but for sure she isn't.

Then her eyes start welling up with tears.

*hanni pov*

She was in her class trying to focus and not minding the class talking about her or the girls throwing papers at her.

She looked around hoping to see riwoo but he was nowhere to be find, him and the others.

"We might made them regret meeting us" She thought and sighed. Hanni was in deep thoughts when she heard the teacher calling her.

"Miss hanni?" She looked angry cuz she wasn't paying attention to the lesson, "Hum yes?" Embarrassed she looked down at her table, "must be thinking about how to seduce the other boys, what a slut" She heard a girl who loudly snickers at her.

She is done with this shit, she grabs her thing and get out of the class.

*haerin side*

She was playing basketball in the court, it was a practice match wich she was really excited about.

But to her surprise no one was passing her the ball and they were losing, she did her best to get the ball by her own bur she got pushed and twisted her ankle.

Now she is in the infirmary resting while thinking about what she heard in the lockers room.

"I mean who will even like them?" "They were so mean anyways karma" "they will do everything for males attention" "let's convince the coach to kick out haerin"

Her head was heavy with thoughts and regrets, "how are the girls doing?" She thought, they might suffer as well. They really never cared about others opinions but now the whole school was a bit hard.

*bnd side*

"Was it really a good decision to kidnap them?" An unsure voice asked.

They were hacking the account of the gossip school to know who was behind this. And deal with him later

Only For Love -(newjeans × Boynextdoor)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin