┊Chapter 2 : the accident.

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Seems like I had fallen asleep in the gymnasium while I was skipping.

Shit, shit, shit, my teacher is gonna kill me!!

I ran out of the gymnasium, hoping I'd be able to get to my next class withour missing it, but as I was trying to figure out the way, i fell on a teacher, and when he found out I should've been in class instead of skipping, he put me in detention FOR THE REST OF THE DAMN DAY.

- detention room -

Detention wasn't a place where people like me would usually end up in.. It was usually filled with the school's "rebels", aka people who'd get in detention usually because they've beaten up younger kids in our school or because they've destroyed school property.

I felt pretty uncomfortable in that room..
There wasn't a single soul in there that I could speak to, only the rebels.
Then, a girl approached me, she'd call herself Vera, but her real name was Verena. She was gorgeous. She had long brunette hair and the face of a model and we were the same age too.
We began talking and figured that we had similar interests to loads of things and she was apparently a Harry Potter fan too, so most of the time, we talked about the books.

Then the bell rang, so we said goodbye and went our separate ways.

I walked out of detention and a few moments later my friends, Carolina and Victoria, walked up to me.

hey both gave me a hug, like they hadn't seen me in ages.

"Girl, where were you?? You've missed the last 4 periods!!" Victoria said, she was so worried about me.

"I told you, I was gonna go to the gymnasium to skip math and then I would come back- But before I got to science, the math teacher found me and put me to detention!"

"But you never said anything about skipping and we went out looking for you weren't in the gymnasium either??" Carolina exclaimed.

"I- wasn't? But that's where I woke up. A-and I swear, I remember informing you about skipping that lesson!!"

the girls Shook their heads.

That's so.. odd, I remember going to the gymnasium, falling asleep and waking up there..

Everything was silent, but then the girls were looking at eachother pretty concerned, as if they wanted to tell me something serious..

"Nevermind that, I wanted to tell y'all about- Girls? Is everything okay?? You seem a little concerned."

They took a long pause before answering me.

"It's just that-" they sighed, "We aren't exactly sure how to tell you this.."

Their tone quickly switched, they sounded pretty serious about what they were going to say.

"It's fine, just say it."

"....Your parents, they uh- they were supposed to leave today, y'know, for a business trip to Dubai that would last a few days, a-

"A trip?" I interrupt them, "I wasn't informed about anything, are you pranking me?"

I didn't take them seriously at first, but after analysing their face expressions for a little bit, I realised that they were actually trying to tell me something serious.

"Okay, I'm sorry for interrupting you, I was just kind of confused about the trip thing.."

Carolina nodded, implying that it was alright.

"So what's the big deal about my parents' trip?",

I asked.

"Uhm, well, as they were waiting at the airport, one of the employees there spoke from the speakers, giving the people who were there a warning about a dangerous man with a shotgun..
Well, the man eventually made his way to where your parents were at, and-"

Every time she spoke, a tear fell from her honey-colored eyes, eventually making their way to her cheeks. She was tearing up.

"I- Kayla, we're really sorry. We really are."

A tear fell down on my cheek as soon as I realised what they were about to say.

"No, I.."

I was at a loss for words, were my parents really dead? Had they actually died?

The girls wrapped me around their arms, forming a very tight hug.

All I wanted to do was cry. All I could do was cry. There wasn't anything left for me to say. It felt like my happiness had just vanished, like it would never come back.

I had been crying non-stop and my best friends were there to comfort me. They kept telling me it would all be alright, but I didn't think it would be.

Losing your loved ones, the ones that had taken care of you your whole life, is..
is something that I'd never imagine happening to me, not even in my wildest dreams.

[ bell ringing ]

One hour later, after we got out of school, I went straight home, dropped my bag on the floor and looked around my house.

Knowing this is gonna be how it is gonna look like from now on, knowing they're never coming back, knowing I never got to say goodbye to them..

Thinking about this just makes me feel worse. I've never missed my parents so much in my entire life.

Maybe if I looked at some pictures of us together, It might make me believe that they're still here somewhere..


Looking at their pictures made me miss them even more. I realised how precious the moments I had with them were, and to think I won't live any of those memories again..

I didn't wanna think about it much though, so I just kept looking around, for more memories of us, as I was looking through the pictures though, I came across a letter..

"To Kayla."

It looked like my mom's handwriting! Maybe this was all a dream, maybe they were both still alive!-

Stop lying to yourself Kayla.

Part two took a while to finish 😭 I hope I'm improving a little 🙏🏻
Anyways, it's 3am
goodnight 🫶🏻

It was just a sleepoverWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt