Dinner Party's & Cookies

Start from the beginning

Mili suddenly glanced over to the pink box wrapped in a large white bow, "Fuck that's so cute," she said as she took a step past me toward the box.

I felt my smile grow, "Do you like it?" I murmured as I wrapped my arms around her body from behind.

"I love it—you always go so above and beyond," Mili said as she turned back to me.

I hummed happily, "I'll always go above and beyond for you," I said, knowing that seeing her happy made me happy.

A smile grew on my girlfriend's lips as she leaned down to me for a kiss that I easily reciprocated.

And soon we were grabbing the box of homemade coconut cookies and heading out of the loft to the event that Mili was hosting.


"This is so beautiful," I said as I stood by Mili's side with her arm resting around my waist.

My eyes were practically dancing over the outdoor courtyard that had a stone patio with a large fountain and a view of the faraway hills.

The sun was just starting to set and the dinner party seemed to be as alive as ever.

The venue felt so incredibly fitting for an intimate event like this.

"Ana!" I heard a familiar voice call.

And upon glancing over to the familiar redhead who was dressed in a deep green slip dress, my eyes were practically growing wide.

"Oh my god, you're here?!" I gasped as Arielle pulled me into the biggest hug of my life while Damon dapped up Mili.

The pair had been out of town on the east coast visiting Damon's family since we had gotten back from Ibiza.

"When did you get back? Why didn't you text me? How are you even here right now?" I blurted the questions out, clearly excited to see her.

Arielle chuckled, "Mili over there wanted to surprise you—so she insisted we fly back in for the weekend," she explained.

And I couldn't help but look over to my girlfriend who flashed me a smile and said, "Surprise."

A grin grew on my lips as I unconsciously pulled Mili into a full-on hug, "You're the sweetest ever," I said as I pulled back to meet her eyes.

Mili hummed, "I'm just lucky I was able to pull off the surprise," she determined.

"No for real, I was having a hard time keeping that one in," I could hear Mya suddenly say.

Just like that, I was turning around—noticing not only Mya and Ryder but Akeyla and Terrance too.

"Wow, I can't believe Mya managed to keep something from me," I laughed slightly, knowing that Mya seemed to tell me everything.

Sometimes she told me too much. 

And before anyone could say anything else, someone managed to suddenly say, "This is so sick, Mi."

A smile grew on both mine and Mili's lips as we turned to Jeremiah—who was standing between Shanti and Akio.

"You guys made it," Mili said as she unraveled her arm from around my waist to greet all three of them—along with Mya who seemed to pull them all into hugs.

Shanti smiled, "You know we wouldn't miss it," she said as she looked over to me, "Ana girl, we heard the news."

Automatically, a bashful smile grew on my lips, "Now you can ask us about our shared closet," I jokingly nudged Shanti before pulling her into a side hug.

"Wait, shared closet? What did I miss?" Arielle suddenly said, easily making me realize that not everyone knew about the news.

It still felt so surreal to think that we officially live together now. 

My parents were a little too eager to help ship some of my other stuff over. 

"I've officially moved in with Mili," I told them all with a wide smile, even if everyone seemed to know except Arielle and Damon.

Arielle gasped, "Aw stop, I'm so happy for you guys," she gushed as she clapped happily to herself.

"That's a big step, congrats guys," Damon said, sending us both a smile.

Mili hummed as she guided me back by her side, "So far she's taking up the closet," she joked as she looked over to Shanti, "And I'm letting her," she managed to add before I could give her a narrowed look. 

Mostly because Mili had more clothes than me—plus I wore most of her clothes anyway. 

I mean at this point, we share everything. 

Akeyla sighed contently, "We taught her well," she told Terrance.

Terrance nodded, "I just feel for Ryder. He's never getting a closet again," he chuckled, which easily earned a narrowed look from his youngest daughter.

"Says the one using a closet in another room," Mya countered back, which easily earned laughs from all of us.

I swear Mya is always on point with her comebacks.

"Aw, what's that?" Arielle suddenly motioned to the box in my hand.

I smiled, "Coconut cookies—Mi's favorite," I said as I leaned into my girlfriend's side.

"I gotta try one," Jeremiah suddenly said.

Shanti chuckled slightly, "We should probably have dinner first," she pointed out.

Mili nodded, "Yeah, the food should be out any minute—" she suddenly looked to me, "I should probably make rounds and greet everyone," she told me.

I didn't hesitate to nod, "Of course baby, I'll see you after," I said, leaning up to her for a kiss.

Mili laughed slightly as she met me halfway, "I wanted you to come with me," she said as she pressed a brief kiss to my lips.

I blinked a few times in realization as she pulled away, "Oh okay..." I trailed off looking back to everyone else, "See you guys in a little while," I said as Mili began guiding us away.

"Wait what food are they serv—"

"Italian Jer—there's menus on the tables," Mili cut him short, which inevitably earned chuckles and laughs from everyone else.

Soon Mili was guiding me from person to person, introducing me to CEOs, agents, artists—basically just a bunch of very successful yet extremely humble people.

And after we managed to make it around to everyone, we were being seated at the long tables for dinner as the staff began preparing all the artwork that was meant to be put out on display.

It was such a beautiful moment, especially with the sun fading beyond the horizon while we all conversed and ate the delicious meal.

Once the dark sky was lit up with stars, the lights strung above the courtyard were on and the artwork was out on display.

Not only were we drinking champagne but we were also eating the cookies that I had made, which Mili made a point to have the caterers pass out on silver platters.

It felt like such a perfect night filled with people that felt like home, and I swear I couldn't ask for anything better than this.

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