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The sun was setting, creating a beautiful purple-pink sky. Charles and Diana were sithng on the blanket, finishing the fruits they brought with them for the picnic and looking at the horizon, enjoying the view.

"I really trust them, you know. Maybe I'm stupid and biased, maybe I'm just fooling myself, but they sound like they have a plan and I'm a part of it. I know what I can do. If they give me a competitive car, I can end Max's dominance"

Charles, after a lot of thinking and talking to Fred, decided to decline Horner's offer to join Red Bull Racing. Fred promised him some big changes in aerodynamics, different engine parts that were supposed to be more reliable and a new strategist. He even added a clause to his contract, stating that if next season Charles ends up lower than second on the Drivers' Championship, he is allowed to leave the team without any financial repercussions. They'll just take the loss and let him go.

"You have no idea how happy I am for you" Diana squeezed Charles' hand and took a sip of wine. "I can tell you look happy when you come back from Maranello. The tests were good, the simulator was good, looks like everything is heading in the right direction"

"It really is. It looks promising. By this time last season, we already knew it's going to be difficult to even fight for third in the Constructors' Championship. But this time..." Charles sighed with content. "I'm hopeful"

Charles scooted closer to Diana and put his arm around her waist. They sat in silence for a few minutes, just cuddling with each other and enjoying the warm wind. It was the last day of their vacation in Hawaii, they had a whole week to themselves before Diana's first big contract since her kidnapping. She was supposed to walk in Balenciaga show promoting their new clothing line.

"Okay babe, it's time to head back, we have to get up early tomorrow" Diana said and got up to grab their things in a basket.

"I know, it's just..." Charles also stood up and nervously rubbed his hands together. "There's just one more thing I wanted to do before we go"

"Okay, go ahead" Diana answered, but didn't stop cleaning up after themselves.

Charles had to come closer to her and grab her hands in his, so she would start paying more attention.

"You've finished your therapy. You've been doing so good and I'm so proud of you I can't even begin to explain it. You've been brave. You didn't blame me for what happened and let me help you when you needed it. You got your spark back. Your career is thriving. I know you said you'd come with me to the first race of the season, but I don't want my girlfriend to support me anymore"

Diana's hands started shaking. She didn't see it coming, she thought they were happy. It was the happiest she's ever been. But for Charles to say something like this, right before her big comeback, was at least unexpected.

"I don't have to come if you don't want to..." She started mumbling under her breath, but Charles quickly stopped her attempt.

"Let me finish. I don't want to call you my girlfriend anymore. I don't think that suits you"

Diana looked at him with teary eyes and saw Charles smiling. How could he smile while saying something like this?

"I think fiancée is much better"

Charles grabbed a box from his pocket and got down on one knee. He quickly opened it and faced the ring her way. A beautiful, big diamond with a bunch of smaller ones on the band stared right at her.

Diana couldn't even breathe. She forgot how to do it. She was just standing there, staring at the ring. Then at Charles. And at the ring again.

"Diana Rynn, you're the light of my life and the owner of my heart. I can't even imagine myself without you anymore. You've become a part of me. You make everything better. You've made me better. And I want to spend the rest of my days with you. Will you marry me?"

The tears streamed down Diana's face. They weren't together for a long time, but sometimes you know. You just feel when it's right. And she felt it.

"Yes!" Diana screamed and started jumping with joy.

Charles had to hold her hand really steady to put a ring on her finger, but Diana couldn't stop moving. Finally, when he managed to do it, he stood up to give his fiancée a kiss.

"You bastard, you scared me! I think you were breaking up with me!" Diana jokingly hit his arm when the high of the moment subsided.

"I'm sorry, babe. You're not getting rid of me. Ever"

I wanted to take a moment and thank you for being on this journey with me. This is the first time I've attempted to write a story in my second language and actually the first time ever I've finished any story I've started. It was tough, I realized I still have a lot to learn, google translate was my companion through every chapter because turns out I forgot the easiest words.

I didn't know what else I could put in this story, so I just decided to end it. Writing when I had no idea how to make it make sense wasn't something I enjoyed, so I opted for a quick happy ending instead.

Thank you for every vote and comment you've left, it meant a lot.

I hope you'll be here if I decide to write another story.

Thank you ❤

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