Chapter 3

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The recording of Diana speaking to Charles after the crash went viral very quickly, mostly on Twitter. People were talking about it non stop for a few hours. Diana has been scrolling through countless tweets and found nothing but a positive response. The fans were saying they're delighted that Charles has found someone that cares about him deeply and it being the sweetest thing a WAG has ever done. Diana gained lots of new followers in one night because of it.

Unfortunately most people weren't so happy about Charles causing a crash, calling him selfish and entitled. In their opinion he shouldn't ignore his team's clear instructions. Some of them were even happy about Charles possibly missing the last 4 races of the season saying it's karma for his insubordination.

There were also fans stating that Carlos was the one at fault and the crash was just a stupid incident that could've been avoided if only Carlos got out of Charles' way. They made sure to mention that Charles is Ferrari's first driver and he was faster, so he should take the lead without question.

Both fractions were arguing with each other fiercely and it didn't seem like they would come to an agreement. It was like they forgot they were rooting for the same team and just wanted to blame one of the drivers for the entire situation. It was a nasty fight, people were calling each other names and saying a lot of hurtful things to random strangers on the internet that happened to have a different opinion.

Diana had a flight to catch early in the morning, so she needed to put her phone down and finally have some sleep. In the next two weeks she's going to stay in London for a business meeting with her manager and to do a photoshoot for her new collaboration with Prada. She's also going to visit her parents as being in her hometown doesn't happen often.

New messages were coming in like crazy when Charles added Diana to a group chat with his friends. Every one of them was single, so it's just her in the boy's chat. They were having a full blown conversation about what are they planning to do when the season's over. They have already decided on a big friends dinner not restricted by their diet and they were also thinking about a vacation together. It was nice to see that despite all of the rivalry on track they stick together and their friendship isn't endangered.

Dream team 🤙


It's cold in Ibiza in December....

I'd take Spain

You'd always take Spain 🥱


Mountains and beaches in one place, it's okay for me

I agree with Cha


Diana, are you going with us?

I don't know, Madeira sounds super fun but I might have to work. I've got a meeting with my manager in a couple of days so let me talk it through and I'll let you know. Thanks for the invite ❤❤

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