Chapter 12

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Diana wasn't happy with the way race went. Charles was told to slow down, allowing Carlos to create a gap to the other drivers. Later Charles got stuck in traffic during his pit stop, which didn't let him finish higher than P4.

Diana was mad about how Ferrari sacrificed Charles when they could secure a double podium by letting Charles first since he was using soft tyres. She still didn't understand a lot about rules and strategies, but for her it was obvious that they gifted Carlos the win and Charles was used to hold everyone else back.

After the race Charles wasn't happy either. He was told by his media manager to say the strategy was his idea, so that Ferrari gets less hate for what they did. So, like a team player he is, he was smiling in front of the cameras, congratulating Carlos and the team and straight-up lying.

The fans fortunately didn't buy what Charles was saying, claiming all over social media that it was not the first time Carlos won because Charles allowed him to. Diana didn't know about any other times as she wasn't actually a real fan, but she was slowly starting to enjoy the smell of rubber in the air and the thrill of race weekends, especially qualifications. She decided she wanted to be there as often as her work allows her to, supporting her friends and Charles.

She was waiting for the Monégasque to finish with the interviews in Ferrari hospitality where celebrations after Carlos' victory didn't seem to end. Everyone around was so high from having a driver finish first that they weren't even paying much attention to Charles when he entered the garage. He didn't look like he was in the mood for celebrating at all, because he instantly made his way to his driver's room.

Diana followed a few steps behind him, not being sure what she was supposed to do in this situation. How to comfort someone after such a betrayal from his own team?

Charles probably wasn't even aware that she was there, because he slammed the door as soon as he entered the room. Diana stopped, debating whether she should let him cool off for a moment, but finally decided to knock on the door. The worst that could happen is him asking her to leave.

Charles opened and his features softened immediately after looking into Diana's eyes. He stepped aside, letting her in.

"I guess it wasn't the result you were hoping for" Diana squeezed his hand and sat on the bed.

"We could've had the double podium easily if they only let me race instead of defending Carlos' ass" Charles sighed, visibly disappointed. "I'm sorry you had to watch this clown show"

"I'm sorry you had to be a part of it" The blonde patted on the bed beside her to let Charles know she wanted him to sit next to her.

He did what Diana wanted him to and leaned the back of his head against the wall. He looked tired, but in a different way. After races he was always tired, it was extremely physically challenging profession after all, but most of the times he was still glowing, radiating the love he had for this sport. This time he seemed defeated, there was no spark in his eyes.

"Will you join me on the party tonight? It's a tradition, the team always throws a party after one of us wins and I have to be there even if it's the last thing I want to do" Charles looked at Diana with hope. "And you being there is the only thing that could help me survive it, especially after them screwing me over like this"

"Sure" Diana agreed and smiled softly, trying to keep her cool but internally she wanted to dance with joy. The fact that Charles wanted her there meant a lot to her.

Diana decided to wear an emerald green dress with a leg slit, paired with black accessories. Her makeup was delicate but flattering, she used her favorite nude lip combo. She felt pretty when she looked in the mirror just before Charles knocked on her hotel room door.

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