Chapter 5

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Diana's time in Monaco has passed by quicker than she would want it to. Charles showed up at her photoshoot and was hyping her up the whole time. They found out they have much more in common than anybody would think. They both despise pineapple on pizza, love coffee, sunsets and dogs. It was easy for them to have something to talk about, Charles even offered to take her on a jacht the next day as Diana mentioned she was never seasick, being the only one in her family that can enjoy being on boats.

They started to think of each other as actual friends when Charles went for the last Grand Prix this season. They texted and called each other every day, Diana even watched the sessions on TV and had her fingers crossed for him and the boys. The results weren't ideal because Charles finished only P8, but he said he was feeling good and the concussion must've been gone completely.

Pierre started to notice Charles smiling at his phone when he was texting with Diana and had to comment on it every time it happened. He was teasing Charles all the time that maybe if him and Diana were on good terms now, it's about time Charles takes his girlfriend on their first date. Charles was only blushing and repeating they don't think of each other that way. Pierre also made sure Diana knew.

Did Cha find a new love interest already? He's smiling at his phone like crazy when he's texting

Not that I'm aware of P, you should ask him

This made Diana a little insecure. She knew Charles was texting her at the moment, but maybe there was also another girl he was talking to at the same time and the smiles weren't for her texts.

Diana had trouble packing for the trip to Madeira. She wanted to look good, but not extra. She was also not sure what they're planning to do, if she should bring more clothes for hiking or the beach. Finally she packed three suitcases full of different bikinis, dresses and sportswear. "The fees for additional luggage are going to be enormous" She thought as her driver loaded her things to the car.

"A private jet? Seriously?" Diana looked at the machine in front of her, then at the boys and back at the plane. It's unbelievable what these guys can afford.

"Why did you think we told you not to worry about plane tickets? To pack you in a suitcase and send as luggage?" Lando laughed. At least they should've give her a heads-up before so she woudn't take her neck pillow.

The flight was incredibly comfortable and they were landing on a beautiful island in a heartbeat. The mountains almost looked like they emerge from the sea and there was not a single cloud on the sky. They had a house booked right next to the beach so they went there and quickly changed to go in the water.

The beach was almost empty, probably because it was dinnertime and the sand was so hot it was burning their feet as they run into the blue waves. Diana, Charles, Pierre, Lando and Carlos were enjoying the cooling feeling on their skin. When the crowd started forming they decided to look for a restaurant to finally get something to eat.

It was already dark outside when they went back from the restaurant, but none of them was tired enough to go to sleep. They sat on the terrace with beers and Cards against humanity. It was Pierre's favorite game recently and he thought it's going to be fun to play with his friends. He was right, all of them really enjoyed it and finished around 3 am.

For the next couple of days they were just chilling at the beach, getting tanned and swimming. Finally they got bored of it and decided to spend the day hiking. The weather was ideal as they went through the forest, trees blocking the sunrays and giving the group a much needed shadow. The boys got tired in the middle of the mountain, where Diana was at the point of spitting her lungs out while trying to keep up with them. They made a short brake, listening to the sound of birds chirping in tree branches. After hydrating and taking a breath, all of them moved on with the hike.

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