Chapter 7

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It was hard for Diana to get back to work after she left Madeira. Her schedule was full of different photoshoots and campaigns, she also got her first runway walk as a special guest for Louis Vuitton fashion show. It's going to be in February, but she had to start preparing for it a lot earlier. She wanted to walk like a real runway model, but it's much harder than it seems. Due to her travelling for work, she had to video call her trainer and do sessions online.

Two weeks before the show she arrived in Paris. Fortunately she also had a photoshoot booked there around the same time, so it just saved her another flight. She's been to Paris before but only for short amounts of time, basically just for work. She didn't have much time to see anything then, but now with almost two weeks she could tour the whole city and probably another parts of France.

Giving that Pierre is French and was visiting family, he was happy to offer to be her guide as soon as he found out that she's there. It was extremely nice of him and additionally she could finally meet his new girlfriend, Kika. They've been dating for only a month but he couldn't shut up about her since the first time he saw her.

Constant travelling had it's downsides though. Diana wouldn't be home for her brother's death anniversary because the show was at the very same day. It's going to be the first time she's not with her family on that day and it made her extremely anxious. She missed her brother so much and the support of her family made it a little easier for her to cope, but this year she's going to be all alone and also stressed with her walk.

Pierre called her that he's waiting for her in the hotel lobby. As he promised, he planned a whole trip around Paris to show Diana all of the best places. He said there's so much to see that they physically couldn't do it all in one day, so Diana had to be prepared for an intense two days of sightseeing.

For the first day, Pierre and Diana were alone. They went to see the Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Pantheon while walking through the Latin Quarter where they also had a wonderful dinner and the Palace of Versailles to finish off their day. Diana instantly fell in love with all of the views, architecture and culture. She couldn't get enough of listening to French people, everything they said sounded like a love confession for her.

The only thing she didn't like was the driving culture. It seemed like they couldn't care less about scratching and bumping into other cars, most of the cars with French registration plates had dents all over them. They parked too close to each other, not giving others enough space. Diana couldn't see herself ever driving around here although she thought she's a good driver.

Kika joined Pierre and Diana on the second day and it seemed like Pierre adjusted their touring in Kika's favor, leaving the places she wanted to see the most for when she's going to be present. It didn't bother Diana, she found it absolutely adorable.

Kika seemed like the sweetest person in the entire world. She was beautiful, kind, funny and didn't let Diana feel like a third wheel at any time, engaging her in all of the conversations she had with her boyfriend and including her in most of the pictures. She was also a great photographer so Diana had tons of amazing photos to post on her social media.

After visiting Orsay Museum, taking a walk around the Champs-Elysées and having a dinner, they made their way to the Catacombs. Human remains carefully arranged in the tunnels made Diana think about how fragile the life really is. The guide they booked was great, he was talking about the history of Paris in a way that made people actually want to listen.

To lighten the atmosphere after such a gloomy yet fascinating place, the group decided to head to the most popular place in Paris - The Eiffel Tower. They had some snacks along the way including the most delicious crepes Diana ever had.

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