Chapter 10.

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🏎️ Charles's pov.

It is quite the irony how I am the one following after this doctor as if I was her biggest admirer, she was leading the way while I was just behind her, straying wherever she was willing to go.

The efforts that I am dedicating to the brunette are indeed too much for someone like myself, usually, I am the one admired, the one worshiped, the one idolized & followed, it was never the other way around.

To say that I was enjoying this chase, would be an absolute understatement, I was having the time of my life with this woman, and if I reflect on our refreshing dynamic, then I have never been extremely comfortable around someone before.
Unlike the pressures of the racing world I am mostly accustomed to, she didn't place me on a pedestal or cater to every whim, instead, she approached me with honesty, authenticity and an audacity that left me shocked, she could definitely pass as a pretty rude person sometimes, a rude person that made me laugh.

However, in her presence, I feel a sense of liberation and ease, as if I could simply be myself without the weight of expectations and performance, don't get me wrong, I love racing, I love it with all its cons, with all the toxicity and pressure that comes with it, I will always choose that sport as a whole package, with its pros and cons, but can't a man want to rest for a while?

I am pretty sure that to her I was chaos disguised as a human, but to me, she is the rainbow after the deadly storm accompanied with heavy rain, I even find our banters to be therapeutic, call me a psychopath all you want.

This is what friendship is all about, right?
Authenticity and genuine connection.

"Why are you so slow? Aren't you like one of the best racers or something?" I heard her say, making fun of me.

"I am savoring the beauty of this village, what do you know about having a good time anyway!" I told her, and with that she stopped walking and looked back at me just to send me one of her infamous glares.

"I definitely know enough!" She objected.

"Please, I am just tenderly wandering the streets, romantically doing so, while you are in a hurry for no reason! Who is the one having a good time?" I said smugly, and I swear that her looks sent draggers to my chest, if a look could kill, I would be dead meat by now.

"Tenderly? What does a speed maniac like you know about tenderness anyway?!" She looked very hilarious at this moment, she closed her eyes in rage and was making motions that looked so animated she looked like a cartoon, it was very funny to me, perhaps way too funny because I was laughing restlessly while she just looked at me in offense.

This is what I mean when I say she is entertaining!

"When are you leaving?" She asked when I stopped laughing, when was I leaving? In three days.

"Soon" I told her.

"How soon is soon?"

"Very soon, Fiona" to that, she rolled her eyes, and I laughed.

"You are so dramatic, aren't you?"

"When I was young, I wanted to be an actor" I said, and to that she smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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