Y5 | The Lucky One - Part Two

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Grindelwald's rally was set just below a mausoleum and the setting quickly adapted to the tone of the room. When the group landed just above the stairs that led them into the rally, they could already hear the shouts and yelps of the invigorated audience from below.

"Just play along." Delia took out her quill, tucked it into her pocket on the outside of her outfit, and instructed her friends to do the same. Very aware of the environment they were in, Delia didn't dare say anything else about the plan to her friends but they knew what they were to do.

With a simple nod, the group, led by Delia, headed into the rally.

If anyone thought Delia was going back into this rally empty-handed, they'd be sorely mistaken.

Delia knew Grindelwald would know she was back, but like everyone else seems to do with women, he would severely underestimate her.

Sure, she might've made some mistakes in the past but to hell with him if he thinks he has the upper hand in this fight. Last time she took the bait, this time she was simply returning the favor.

With an approving nod, they spread out amongst the rally. Each equipped with a secret weapon, they knew exactly what they were to do. It would only be a matter of time before his followers came flocking to the "suspicious" looking students in the audience.

Just like she planned it.

The room below the mausoleum was as dark as the mood seemed to be. The smell of fear was plastered over most individuals yet here they stood in front of Grindelwald. Pleading their undying allegiance to a man whom they would never truly not be terrified of... even if they were his greatest followers.

Why is that? Because at the end of the day, he was nothing more than a murderer.

And Delia was about to let the whole world know.

Her friends, once behind her, had now spread out amongst the rally. Sure, there's power in numbers. And probably safety. But no one ever got anything done playing it safe.

Or playing a game the exact same way it had been played in the past. For this to not be a repeat of last time, Delia ensured that wouldn't happen.

She could easily spot her friends across the rally and Delia knew they would play their part. If they could trust her, she could trust herself.

She spotted Charlie nearest to her and with one knowing look, he turned to the nearest follower of Grindelwald and began to speak to them about Grindelwald.

He knew better than to say anything that would reveal his identity or his true intentions but if he could just get these people to admit to joining in on the injustices of Grindelwald, that would be enough.

He saw Delia's plan perfectly.

Everyone knew defeating Grindelwald would be a difficult task, but as Delia once told them, Grindelwald was nothing without his army. Therefore, if Delia could expose enough of his followers and send them packing to Azkaban, that would slash his army in half. Thus, massively dropping his ego and reducing his power.

And her ability to double-cross Dumbledore was just her definition of payback for sending Delia to Paris with full knowledge that he was sending her to clean up his mess.

Two birds with one stone.

And if Charlie was to guess right, Delia would deliver these quills that served as "recording devices" to the Wizarding community by using her connection through The Prophet to mass deliver the news. Delia always enjoyed a good riddle because it was up to her to decode a conveyed message. No one could sway her opinion if all the facts and possibilities were laid out in front of her. And that's exactly what she was about to bestow upon the Wizarding World.

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