Y5 | Hogwarts, You Old Foe

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To Delia's surprise, the night after her behavioral hearing was quite uneventful.

A shocked James Donahue was amazed that Delia was able to get out of that courtroom unscathed. Evelyn, on the other hand, knew that Delia had the ability to make people see the truth of any story.

With the behavioral hearing behind her, Delia could focus her annoyance on an ever-growing issue. Her 5th year at Hogwarts.

Not saying she didn't like school, she actually loved it. There was so much untouched knowledge that she had yet to learn. As someone who was always writing, she enjoyed having the ability to learn more about the world around her.

Besides the stress of her O.W.L.S., she was somehow, shockingly, chosen to be a prefect for the Ravenclaw house.

"The world must be against me" she spoke to herself as she finished packing her trunk.

"I think it's quite the opposite," Evelyn announced as she found her way into Delia's bedroom.

"Prefects are practically perfect. This does not belong to me." Delia packed her Ravenclaw prefect badge into the bottom of her trunk.

"You know for a fact that they are not perfect. If they were, I wouldn't have gotten this either." Evelyn laid down a slightly antiquated Ravenclaw prefect badge

"Did you just completely forget to tell me you were a prefect too?" Delia said in a sarcastic tone as she held up the badge and looked towards Evelyn.

"I didn't want you to feel pressured into thinking you needed to become one." Evelyn offered a sympathetic look towards her daughter. "I know how your dad can be. With accomplishments and all that."

"Well, he must have done something right." Delia compared both prefect badges in her hands.

"Delia, I want you to know, whatever trouble you get into this year-" Evelyn motioned for her daughter to sit beside her

"I can't promise I won't because I'll never be able to hold that promise but I'll do my best not to end up back at the Ministry." Delia gave a warm smile.

"I just want you to know that I'm proud of you." Evelyn hugged Delia.

The hug caught Delia by surprise but she felt immense enjoyment in the fact that her mom felt that way.

If she made an impact on one person, imagine what else she could do.

∞ ϟ 9¾

The morning of September 1st was always the most chaotic of the year and it wasn't even 11 AM yet.

As the Donahues rushed through London's King Cross station, Delia relived all the moments she had found herself in this very station.

She remembered the anticipation she had as she jumped aboard the train during her first year.

Or how Greyson hugged her after their second year and she knew she had a friend for life. Even if that said friend was quite the idiot sometimes.

And the amount of arguments she got into on the train in her third and fourth years.

And here she was, about to enter the barrier for her fifth year, expecting the same for this next year.

"Excuse me! Coming through!" A redhead zipped past Delia and elbowed her in the process.

"My apologies! Gotta go!" She yelled back towards Delia as she kept on chasing what looked like her pet owl.

Delia peered past a few people to watch her disappear into the barrier.

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