Y5 | So, This Is Christmas?

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The trial was to happen a few days before the students were set to leave Hogwarts for the winter holiday. As to fit the mood, the weather was dreary and unwelcoming. Hogwarts could be pretty in the winter, but most of the time, it was just flat-out bitter and so were everyone's attitudes towards a certain 5th-year Ravenclaw boy. Unfortunately, that meant most students were talking about the impending trial or Charlie. It was hard to ignore it.

Most students who had informed themselves on the story were siding with Charlie, but equally as many had yet to move on. Most people had a hard time forgetting all the bullying Charlie did while he was under the curse.

Charlie, who was slow to trust his old friends, barely spoke about the situation. He was very much aware of what was going on, but he was still under the curse and suppressing his emotions. However, the only way to fix the situation at hand was to come face to face-with the issue.

It was only 2 weeks ago when Delia had sent in an article requesting that The Ministry look into The Stryker Family because she just "happened" to receive an anonymous tip that The Stryker family had recently become devoted followers of Grindelwald. When she was constructing her article, she wondered how The Ministry would take it. It was a bold move, throwing around assumptions of that magnitude, but then she remembered a certain person telling her that The Ministry was doubling down on even the smallest of threats.

Based on how big of an accusation this was, The Ministry didn't spare a single hesitation and Delia was notified that they would be looking into the case. When most students became aware of what Delia was doing, she became even more daunting in their eyes. If she could send two adults to Azkaban for using one of the three unforgivable curses, what else could she do? At this point, no one wanted to get on her bad side.

Getting The Ministry to accept the case was the easy part, waiting for any inkling of its development was the hard part.

"So we know the trial is taking place December 15th, is that the only scrap of news we've gotten?" Elsie threw her hands up in frustration as she spoke to the group. Delia, Greyson, Vivienne, Charlie, and Elsie found themselves in an empty classroom. They knew better than to talk about this topic in the open halls of Hogwarts due to wandering ears.

"So far." Vivienne scoffed. "I have half a mind to waltz right into The Ministry and tell them to get off their lazy-"

Delia cleared her throat to stop Vivienne from talking.

"At least they accepted the case." Greyson intervened. "Typically I would say that individuals have redeeming qualities, but at this point, I think they're purposely making themselves look bad."

"Oh look, the saint returns!" Vivienne said sarcastically. "Someone call hallelujah!"

Delia shot her a look.

"I just don't understand the part where our government, the ones who are supposed to protect us, do the exact opposite of that." Elsie shook her head in disapproval.

"I've been asking myself that for years." Delia agreed with her. "At this point, it's completely frustrating because no matter how hard we try to deface them, they still end up superior."

"You would think some part of our society would care about Grindelwald blatantly killing people." Vivienne had been with Delia when she had started writing her articles. She had watched her best friend become completely immersed in the fight for justice. When Grindelwald took the spotlight, Vivienne knew Delia would fight for those who couldn't.

"I give up." Elsie flopped her back onto a desk and stared up at the ceiling as if in desperation.

"Well, would The Ministry address the public about Grindelwald?" Charlie spoke up for the first time in front of the others. Everyone turned to stare at him.

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