Y5 | A Great Example Of Child Endangerment

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"Dumbledore needs to see you after the hat sorting." The Ravenclaw head girl found Delia as soon as she entered the Entrance Hall of Hogwarts.

"How? I just stepped foot into the Castle." Delia was amazed by this.

"How am I supposed to know? Just go see him." The head girl left Delia stranded in the entrance hall.

"Delia! Are we boring you?" Charlie yelled at her from across the Entrance Hall as he tried his best to compile a group of first-years.

"I'm actually filled with a great deal of excitement right now." Delia sighed and walked over toward the first years.

As soon as she got them in the hall for hat sorting, she would be able to escape this job just for a bit.

And that's exactly what she did.

She even made sure to cover her prefect badge with her hair so people would stop asking her questions.

She found a seat next to Greyson and across from Vivienne at the Ravenclaw table.

"Someone please take this godforsaken badge off of me." Delia sat down in a huff.

"On the bright side, look at all the advantages you get as a prefect." Greyson beamed with optimism.

However, Delia was a glass-half-empty kind of person which meant comments of unbridled optimism drew her to annoyance. Being a pessimist was a bad trait of hers.

Nevertheless, she looked up at Greyson with squinted eyes and annoyance painted over her face.

"I see this as an absolute win. What better way to figure out what makes Charlie Stryker such a vexing person than from the inside? Might I remind you that you obtain the upper hand in this battle." Vivienne prodded.

"If you're so interested in Charlie, maybe you should try." Delia laughed a bit under her breath.

"Why would you think that? I change my mind. I could care less about Charlie." Vivienne said quickly.

Greyson and Delia both looked toward her with muddled expressions.

"Okay.." Delia had never seen Vivienne answer in such a rapid manner.

"Can we move off the topic of Charlie? Please." Greyson spoke up from beside Delia.

"Yes please." Delia remained confused by Delia's demeanor. "Actually, I do have a weird pressing matter."

"Intriguing. What is it?" Vivienne returned to her normal state.

"The Ravenclaw Head Girl approached me within seconds of walking into the castle to alert me that Dumbledore wanted to speak with me after the hat sorting." Delia kept her voice down so as to not let anyone nearby hear her.

"Merlin, Delia! How have you already managed to tick off Dumbledore?" Greyson was surprised by this.

"Okay, thanks." Delia said with sarcasm "But that's just the thing. I don't know what I could have done in my time being here tonight that could have ticked him off."

"Well, if we're being honest, I could think of a few things that could've ticked him off just from this... summer." Vivienne uttered.

"Really! I would've never thought!" Greyson looked at Vivienne with sarcasm.

"He definitely heard about my hearing. And talking back to the disciplinary council. And the protest from July. Oh and definitely the one from June." Delia looked as if she was counting on her fingers the number of things that could get her in trouble.

"You're going to need more than two hands if you keep doing that." Greyson put his hand on top of hers as if to stop her from counting.

"If it was that serious, they wouldn't have made you go to the trouble of coming all the way to Hogwarts to be expelled." Vivienne asserted.

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