Y5 | Can We Have A Normal Conversation?

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What adult man deliberately puts a child in harm's way?

When Delia took the black glove port key, she figured she could piece together where she was.

But no.

Delia was now on the roof of an old building overlooking the city skyline.

Thank goodness she retained her balance quite quickly because if the port key apparated her just two feet over, she would have fallen off the seemingly tall building.

"You have got to be kidding me." Delia spoke to herself as she looked over the building's edge to the street down below.

"Reality can be a tough concept to grasp but unfortunately, it is not kidding right now." A man's voice spoke up behind her.

Delia turned around slowly to see the man she had met at the ministry just days ago.

Newt Scamander.

"Oh Good! A spectator to watch me plummet to my death!" Delia rolled her eyes as she recognized Newt.

"Do I send the obituary to your friends or family first?" Newt gave a small smile.

"Tired of the Ministry so soon?" Delia actually thought Newt was quite enjoyable.

"Could I not say the same about you?" Newt looked curiously at Delia.

"I take it the two of you have met before?" Dumbledore finally came into view looking as mischievous as ever.

"Dumbledore." The both of them said as they both realized why they were there.

"Were the less conspicuous rooftops full, then?" Newt seemed amused.

"I do enjoy a view. Nebulus." Dumbledore looked out over the city while a swirling fog descended over London.

With that Dumbledore took the two of them and they disapparated to a less daunting location.

They ended up at a bus station just as the sky began to darken. Newt must've been used to Dumbledore's antics because he just kept following him while in conversation.

Delia looked around for a second and realized she was falling behind the two.

Once caught up, she allowed herself to listen to the conversation between the two adults.

"Credence is in Paris, Newt. He's trying to trace his real family. I take you've heard the rumors about who he really is?" Dumbledore kept his inscrutable manner as he spoke about the subject.

"No." Newt seemed as confused as Delia.

Delia remembered what Dumbledore had said about Credence but didn't consider herself an expert in that area. Dumbledore had explained to her that Credence lay intertwined with the events surrounding Grindelwald.

If Credence was involved, so was Grindelwald.

As Dumbledore led the two to board a stationary bus, he checked to make sure no one was following them.

"The pureblood think he's the last of an important French line, a baby whom everyone thought lost..."

Newt looked astonished while Delia was still trying to put the pieces together in her mind.

"Not Leta's brother?" Newt finally spoke up after a second of silence.

"You mean to tell me that Leta Lestrange is involved in this situation?" Delia was amazed at how the plot kept thickening.

"That's what they're whispering. Pureblood or not, I know this: an obscurus grows in the absence of love as a dark twin, an only friend. If Credence has a real brother or sister out there who can take its place, he might be saved." Dumbledore stared at Newt and Delia hoping they would see the truth in front of them.

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