Y5 | What a Young Girl Should Not Know

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The walk was nice.

She didn't realize how much she needed to be alone with her thoughts.

And how grateful she was for Tina.

She had never found someone who understood her as much as Tina did.

Greyson and Vivienne were great but they never really understood her in the way that Tina did.

At that moment, she realized how badly she missed Greyson and Vivienne.

I mean, who wouldn't miss their best friends?

Delia found herself wanting to tell Greyson and Vivienne so many things while in Paris but then getting hit with the honest realization that they weren't there.

And they weren't coming.

Oh, how Vivienne would love Paris. It was the city for her. If circumstances were different, Delia could envision her and Vivienne getting lost in the city but being entirely happy about it. Just like Vivienne, Paris was the textbook definition of beauty and wealth. If anyone would fit in there, it would be Vivienne Bradford.

Greyson, on the other hand, would just be excited to spend time with Delia. It was always something he would fall back on. Whether they were at their spot at The Black Lake or Delia was scolding him about his astronomy homework, he would simply smile and go along with it. Delia never minded it. If anything, she knew he was always there for her. Why? She didn't really know.

Merlin, she wished they were there.

But they weren't.

It was just her.

And only she could control how she felt.

No one else would do that for her.

Delia hadn't realized how far she had walked but she had no idea where she was or how far away the alchemist's house was.

All of a sudden, it went dark.

The kind of dark that you couldn't see through even if you strained your eyes hard.

Delia could barely see her surroundings but she could hear screaming coming from somewhere.

Where am I?

Who is screaming?

What's going on?

Delia was looking in all directions but she couldn't see a single thing. She tried feeling around her surroundings but there was nothing.

She knew she wasn't dead because she was still aware that there were objects around her even though she could barely see.

It didn't help that she was unfamiliar with her location but thankfully she moved around a bit until she felt her hands hit a wall.

My hands are on the wall and my feet are on the ground.

She kept repeating that phrase in her head as if she was reassuring herself that everything was fine. But it wasn't fine. She could practically feel a bad feeling coming on.

Her attempts at thinking positively backfired on her the second she started hearing loud cracks in the air.

The screaming continued and Delia felt dizzy.

If something happened to her, who would know?

That thought made her feel nauseous.

Just as she thought she was going to be sick, the darkness seemed to lighten up.

But something was off.

She could see people past her just casually moving about their day.

Did anyone else see what just happened?

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