Chapter 3: The Honeymoon Of Your Value

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***WARNING: This chapter contains foul language and humiliation.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 3...


'?!" (Vancious)



'Loyiden?!' (Yeri Im/Serentity's inner thoughts)

Vancious's body immediately halted as if he had become unexpectedly startled hearing Loyiden's voice.

He removed his close lips away from Yeri Im/Serenity turning around and standing up to face him while Yeri Im/Serentity's eyes widened at his unexpected arrival as well.


Vancious lips raised in an amazed smile but it was clearly an expression that was looking down at Loyiden.

"I'm only faring my married sister a goodbye, what's so wrong with that?" (Vancious, asked)

He asked with provocation and a snicker as if his actions were not wrong.

"...." (Loyiden)

Loyiden's expression was so hard to read since he wasn't showing much emotion but his blue eye contained a tint of anger and grew more as he took a quick glance at Yeri Im/Serenity who still had the red slap mark by the Crown Prince and how she gripped onto the ragged brown dirty dress clenching it while her entire body shivered.

Serenity Williams a cruel woman who was not afraid of anything and never shed any tears today why did she look so small?

Why even when the Crown Prince had humiliated her and married her to a commoner no tears appeared in her eyes?

Of course, it must have been why she was simply furious and she was unwilling to let anyone get the chance to see her cry.

So why now was she suddenly shaking and shedding terrified tears in the presence of young Duke Vancious?

No, what the hell was their relationship if Vancious's lips almost touched her neck?


"It's strange to call family farewell if a brother's lips are close to touching his sister's neck" (Loyiden, said)

Loyiden glanced away from Yeri Im/Serenity whose complexion was still unwell then to look at Vancious calling him out as if he heard something ridiculous.

"Ha, you don't know anything about high-end nobles considering you're just an uneducated commoner so you must have misunderstood-" (Vancious, said)

"I don't think so" (Loyiden, said)

Vancious tried to humiliate Loyiden more as if reminding him of his position but Loyiden spoke over him calmly but his voice contained firmness.


"What?" (Vancious, asked)

Vancious frowned at Loyiden's words.

"Whether we like it or not she is my wife now, what would the Crown Prince say if you tried to touch a married woman, especially the woman presented by the Crown Prince himself? Are you willing to face the consequences for disrespecting him or being the talk of the nobles that young Duke Vancious has a special affection for his sister?" (Loyiden, asked)

"...." (Vancious)

'...There is something strange...why is he acting like this? That commoner follows the imperial family like a dog without barking even amongst the nobles so what the hell is giving him the arrogance to speak to me like this suddenly?!' (Vancious's inner thoughts)

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