~Chapter 11~

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Eliana's POV

I roll over in bed and pick up my phone to check the time, it's 10:30am meaning Aled has already left for work, thank god. I groggily walk into the bathroom, avoiding looking in the mirror at myself, and strip to get in the shower.

Without looking down at my body, I step into the hot shower and instantly feel myself relax against the warm current. Before I can do much else, I feel tears streaming down my face and my body grows weak.

I lean back against the shower wall and slump to the ground, resting my head on my knees as I reach the floor.

I sit there, the water pouring on me, for a solid 20 minutes. Not thinking about anything and trying to push the memories from last night from my head.

I don't end up actually washing my body because I can't even look at it, let alone touch it, while remembering what Aled did last night. I just stand there in the stream, red-faced and puffy eyed.

Once I get out of the shower and get dressed, it's around 11:50. I head downstairs to get some brunch, nothing more than a bagel with some avocado. It's my second favourite breakfast, after pancakes of course.

However, once I reach the kitchen and open the cupboard for the bagels, I realise that there is nothing in the cupboard. I quickly whip around opening every cupboard, drawer and the fridge. But nothing.

I storm around the house, noticing my keys also gone and I conclude that Aled must've taken them. I stand there motionless for a few moments until I hear a ringing from the next room.

I run to my phone that's vibrating on the kitchen counter and pick it up, not bothering to look at the caller ID. "Hello?" I say. "Fucking finally, you're up I've been calling for the last 30 minutes" I hear Aled's voice from the other end of the phone, "Why haven't you been answering me Eliana?" he asks. "Um, I don't know maybe my phone was on silent. I'm sorry" I ask, secretly hoping he doesn't lose it. "WELL FUCKING ANSWER NEXT TIME" Aled shouts down the line before hanging up abruptly.

I don't know why his temper has suddenly got so bad or why he is doing everything he is doing. I know I should've listened to Matty but I loved him. He's my fiance for fuck's sake, he shouldn't be doing this.

I slump on the couch, breaking down for the second time today. My anxiety is spiked, worrying about what he will be like when he returns home. Until then, I curl up and close my eyes, hoping to drift to somewhere else for a while.


*A few days later*

Matty's POV

I've just returned home from doing some shopping at the mall with Rowan. It was really nice to just get out of the house for a while and not think about anything. Not Aled. Not Eliana. Nothing.

I also haven't been on my phone whilst I've been out because I wanted all of my attention to be on Rowan and didn't want anything to dampen my mood like usual. I just wanted some quality time with my best friend.

When I slump down on my couch and pull out my phone I realise that I've got about 50 missed calls from Eliana. We exchanged numbers last week when she was staying at mine in case she needed anything when I was out.

It's been 4 days since she left and went back to Aled. Honestly, I've just been ignoring her texts and getting on with my life. I know it's a bit of a dick move but she should've just listened to me and not gone back to him.

As I'm scrolling, a huge clap of thunder echoes outside my window and the rain pummels down just like everyone said it would tonight. Classic December night but it makes for a cozy one I guess.

When I open her texts, my heart immediately picks up as I read 'help me Matty please' 'I need you to come get me' 'he's scaring me please come'. I quickly jump up and put my shoes on that I had recently taken off and rush out the door into my car.

I am able to get Eliana's location off find my phone and see she's in the middle of butt fuck nowhere, about a 20 minute drive. How on earth did she get out there? I question to myself.

I stamp on the gas as hard as I can, not worrying about anything or anyone as it's already about 9pm and the streets are quite empty due to the storm.

As I'm driving, I get another call and see that it's from Eliana, I answer it immediately. All I can hear is sobs from the other end and the sound of hard rain. "Ellie I'm coming to get you okay? I'm on my way, don't move" I tell her. "Please h-hurry up, I'm scared" she says quietly between sobs. She hangs up or loses connection but it just increases my urgency to get to her. I don't know what's happened or what he has done but it definitely isn't good at all.

I pull up a gravel road which leads up next to the massive forest and I check to see that Eliana's location is only about 100 feet ahead of me. I go a bit faster.

When I reach Ellie's location I see her slumped on the side of the road. She's curled up and leaning against a tree, her clothes are soaked right through and she is very pale. I notice cuts above her eyes and along her cheekbones along with bruises down her arms. She has been stripped down to short pyjama shorts and a thin t-shirt, showing off her weakened frame.

I stop the car, not even bothering to put it in park and rush over to her. "Ellie? What happened are you okay?!" I ask in a rush as I reach her side, crouching down. "Please just take me to yours, I want to go" she begs as she reaches out for me. I scoop her up and carry her, bridal style, to the passenger side of my car and lay her inside.

We speed back to my apartment and I carry her all the way inside. When we get into the apartment, I take her to the bathroom and she lets me take off her clothes and run her a bath. She doesn't seem to care about me seeing her naked and I don't care at this moment either. Right now, my main priority is making sure she is safe and as comfortable as she can be.

Once she is settled in the bath, I begin to clean her up but as I go to touch her body she flinches back and gasps slightly. "Don't worry, it's only me I won't hurt you" I say softly and she relaxes again, letting me clean around her cuts and bruises. I know that right now, she is still likely in a state of shock and won't be able to process much that's happening around her.

I finish bathing Ellie and lift her out of the tub, change her into some of my sweats and a t-shirt and take her to my bed. She falls asleep pretty quickly and I get ready to sleep as well. Just as I'm about to leave my room for the couch, I hear her stirring behind me but try to leave anyway. "Matty?" she asks quietly. "Yes?" I reply, "Don't go please, don't leave me alone" she begs softly and my heart tightens. "Okay" I say, making my way over to the bed. I get in and turn off the lamp, I can't sleep with any light.

Just as I'm about to drift off, Ellie says something again but I can't quite hear it. "What was that?" I ask softly. "Can you hold me?" she pleads and I begin to heat up. I'm not the best with physical touch, you can assume why, but I want her to be as comfortable as possible so I agree.

I wiggle my body closer to Eliana's and put my arm over her waist, acting as the big spoon. After getting into this position, I hear her breathing get deeper as she relaxes into my body and soon enough my eyelids start to get heavy and we both fall asleep.

At least she's safe with me.



Hey! Hope you had a great week and I'm sorry that it's taken such a long time for me to get this chapter out, it's been a tough few days but it'll be okay!

This chapter is quite long so I feel like it makes up for lost time lol. I already know roughly what the next chapter will be so hopefully it will be out soon! :)

Anyways, hope this week treats you well and please stay safe! <3

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