~Chapter 10~

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Eliana's POV:

It's been a couple days since that night with Aled. He's been messaging me and ringing me on repeat, I've been ignoring him but I still feel some guilt creeping in on me. 

Matty has been so good to me these past few days. I've pretty much been curled up in myself, barely talking or doing anything but she has been looking after me and I'm thankful for that.

I fell asleep in her arms on the first night and she let me sleep in her room. The night after, I tried to convince her to let me sleep on the couch instead but she insisted and took the couch for herself. 

Matty told me to not respond to Aled or even acknowledge him but I'm starting to feel bad, maybe he didn't mean it and it was just a spur of the moment thing and he regrets it. 

I'm sat on the couch with the TV on, staring a the wall, while Matty's out getting groceries and my phone starts buzzing. It must be Aled again. I dont know why but I pick up, "H-hello?" I say in a small croaky voice. "Sweetheart? I'm sorry, are you okay? Come back to me please" Aled replies and I can't help but feel a tight feeling in my chest hearing his desperate tone. "But why did you do that to me?" I ask, my voice wavering. "I just got a bit angry, I'm sorry it won't happen again. You know I don't like talking about Madeline" he says with a more serious voice, my heart pulls at the mention of her. "I know, I'm sorry for bringing her up. Can I come see you tomorrow?" I ask, not knowing if it's the right decision. "Of course sweetheart, come home about 12?" he asks again in his loving tone. "Yes, I'll see you then" I say with a smile on my face before hanging up.

As I put down the phone, Matty walks into the apartment and sets down the grocery bags. She smiles at me and I return a small one, slightly nervous for her to find out what I'm doing tomorrow. 

"You alright? You look a bit nervous" she says, smile still on her face. "Uh yeah just got off the phone" I say. "Oh.. who with?" she asks and I'm sure she already knows what I'm about to say due to her uneasy tone. "Um..." I stall, "Aled?" I ask in a questioning tone, hoping to lessen the blow that I know is coming. Matty just laughs and shakes her head, "I told you, don't answer, don't give in. He's a pathological liar Eliana, I wish you could see that!" she slightly raises her voice towards the end.

"But he loves me! and I love him, you have no right to say anything about our relationship!" I shout, tears threatening to well in my eyes. I hate shouting, especially at Matty for some reason.

"Okay Eliana, fine. You're right, I have no say in your relationship with him but all I know is that it won't end well, I thought that maybe it might be fine before but now? There's no hope. But if you want to go back to him then do, I just wish you would listen to me! He's not a good person!" Matty finishes yelling at me and tears begin streaming down my face.

I whip around, not saying another word to her and start gathering up my things. I run into the bedroom and shove everything I have into my bag that I brought before flying out of her apartment and slamming the door. She didn't try to stop me.

I get outside and call an uber back home and tell Aled I will be returning today. On the phone, he sounds happy that I'm coming home but I couldn't help but notice an off tone in his voice, almost like he was planning something. Ugh I don't know that's weird but whatever.

I just hope this was the right decision.


TW!! Description of domestic abuse, sexual assault and rape. Please skip to the next chapter if you don't want to read any of this <33

I get home about a half hour later because the traffic was really bad, I told Aled that I'd be back at 1pm but now its close to 2. I walk up the steps to the house and knock twice, I stand there waiting for him to open the door. It took a few seconds but then I heard the locks on the other side moving and he swung open the door. 

He didn't greet me, no smile or anything. Just opened the door, turned and went into the living room leaving me on the doorstep. A confused look crosses across my face as I step into the house, lock the door and take off my shoes. I head into the living room to talk to Aled.

"Hey swe-" I start to say but he interrupts me, "Why the fuck weren't you home when you said you would be?" he shouts, standing and towering over me. "I-I got stuck in traffic" I said timidly. "WELL THEN FUCKING TELL ME ELIANA!" he screams in my face, I shudder under him and tears threaten to spill onto my cheeks.

"Don't fucking cry you bitch, you've done this to yourself. I told you to never go looking for that bitch and you still did! Now you're gonna get what she got and what you also deserve!" Aled shouted even louder, stepping towards me. I try to step back but realise there is a wall behind me. 

Aled harshly pushes me up against the wall and secures a tight hand around my throat before quickly striking my cheek with his other hand. Tears stream down my cheeks but he keeps hitting me, over and over again.

He then takes my wrists and drags me up the stairs to our bedroom. The room that was once my haven and safespace, the place I trusted him most. 

As we enter the room, he pushes me down on the bed and pins my arms above my head with his tight, iron grip. I couldn't break free even if I tried my absolute hardest. Tears continued to stream down my face as his dark eyes stared into mine. 

"Stay right there and DON'T MOVE!" Aled shouts at me before releasing my wrists. I do as he says, petrified to even breathe too loud incase he does something. After a few seconds, he emerges from the closet holding handcuffs.

He secures my wrists to the bedframe above my head after stripping me down to just my underwear, no bra. He licks his lips before looking down my naked, vulnerable body. "All mine" he whispers in a sinister, raspy voice.

I close my eyes when I feel his hand brush my outer thigh. He runs his hands a few times over my center before inserting himself into me. I stay silent the whole time, tears streaming down my face. I couldn't speak, I tried to tell him to stop but not a single word was coming out of my mouth.

After what feels like forever, Aled finally reaches his climax and lies down on the bed next to me before getting up and heading to the bathroom. When he returns, he doesn't look at me or say anything, he just removes the handcuffs from my wrists and gets into bed. All I can do is get in with him, my body physically won't let me do anything else. He wraps his arms around me and falls asleep. 

I don't, however. I can't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes, he's there on top of me, crushing me with all his weight. 

I cry, sobbing silently and hoping to not wake him at all. Why did I trust him again?

I want Matty. I need Matty.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was a bit long for me but I don't mind :) Hopefully you don't either <3 

I hope you are enjoying so far and are starting to like the characters just as much as I do :))

Have a good weekend and stay safe! <3

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