1-6: Evil Has Returned

Start from the beginning



Through a front window, we see Laurie bending over the welcome mat. Suddenly a dark shape, the outline of a man, leans forward, watching her.

As she walks back to Tommy at the street the shape moves to watch them, then fades back into the interior of the house.


Laurie, Ellie and Tommy continue walking down the street, "Lonnie Elam said never to go up there. Lonnie Elam said that's a haunted house." Tommy says

"He said real awful stuff happened there once." Ellie adds

"Lonnie Elam probably won't get out of sixth grade." The Strongest Final Girl In Horror History responds

Ellie and Tommy break the stride and run across the street, "We gotta go. We'll see you tonight." Tommy says

"See you." Laurie responds

"Bye!" Ellie shouts

"Bye Els!" Laurie shouts

Laurie continues walking alone. She begins to sing quietly to herself. "I wish I had you all alone... Just the two of us... I would hold you close to me... So close to me... "

ANGLE DOWN STREET We see Laurie walking off down the street in the distance.

"Hey Blonds!" Jamari shouts walking into view

"JJ!" Laurie shouts

The two hug, "My sister with Tommy right?" Jamari asks

"Yeah, where's your car?" She asks

"You know I didn't bring it, sometimes I think that your blondeness be sinking into your brain." He responds

"Oh screw you." She says pushing him

"Heyyy, you Can't blame me." He responds

"Sure." She says rolling her eyes

CLOSE TO CAMERA the dark shape moves into frame, watching Jamari and Laurie disappear around the corner.


Sam Loomis strides quickly out of the front of the sanitarium followed immediately by DR. WYNN, a gray-haired man in his forties.

Camera Tracks with them across the parking lot, "I'm not responsible, Sam." Wynn says

Loomis responds angrily, "Of course not."

"I've given them his profile." Wynn says

"You must have told them we shocked him into a grinning idiot. Two roadblocks and an all-points bulletin wouldn't stop a five-year old!" Loomis berated

Loomis reaches a car and unlocks it, "He was your patient, Doctor. If the precautions weren't sufficient, you should have notified..."

"I notified everybody! Nobody listened." Sam responds

"There's nothing else I can do." Wynn says

"You can get back on the telephone and tell them exactly what walked out of here last night. And tell them where he's going." Sam adds

"Probably going." Wynn adds

"I'm wasting time." Loomis states as he gets in the car.

Wynn leans down to the window, "Sam, Haddonfield is a hundred and fifty miles from here. How could he get there, he can't drive?" Wynn asks

"He was doing very well last night! Maybe somebody around here gave him lessons." Loomis states as he starts up the car and pulls away from the sanitarium.

Wynn watches him go, then hurries back into the building.


Jamari and Laurie sit at the back of a classroom of High School Students. Camera Moves In on them as a Teacher drones away at the front of the room.

Teacher speaks V.O., "...and the book ends, but what Samuels is really talking about here is fate."

Camera Moves to a Close-Up of Jamari and Laurie. The two barely listen to the teacher as Laurie doodles in her notebook in front of her and Jamari tinkers with his headphones.

Teacher continues, "You see, fate caught up with several lives here. No matter what course of action Rollins took, he was destined to his own fate, his own day of reckoning with himself. The idea is that destiny is a very real, concrete thing that every . person has to deal with."

Laurie lets her gaze move to a window. She stares dreamily outside.


From the window she can see the street, and a station wagon parked along the sidewalk. Behind the station wagon stands the shape of a man.

We can't quite see his features from here, but it is clear that he is looking in the school window.

Angle On Laurie She turns away from the window and begins to doodle again. Angle On Notebook We see Laurie draw: LAURI STRODE

Teacher speaks V.O. continuing, "Edwin, how does Samuel's view of fate differ from that of Costaine?"

Angle On Laurie She glances up from the book and out the window again. LAURIE'S POV -- STREET The shape behind the station wagon is still there and staring right at her.

ANGLE ON LAURIE She frowns, staring back at the shape. Edwin speaks on a V.O, "Uh... doesn't he feel that no matter how complicated something is, it's also really simple too?"

Teacher V.O, "No. (pause) Laurie."

This springs her around from the window, "M'am?" Laurie asks

Teacher V.O, "Answer the question."

Laurie seems confused so she turns to Jamari who mouths the answers and she reads his lips, "Costaine wrote that fate was somehow related only to religion, where Samuels felt that fate was like a natural element, like earth, air, fire and water."
Laurie explains

Teacher V.O, "That's right, Samuels definitely personified fate..."

Laurie nods to Jamari who nods back she then sneaks a glance back to the window. LAURIE'S POV -- STREET The shape and the station wagon are gone.

ANGLE ON LAURIE She turns back from the window and back to her notebook. ANGLE ON NOTEBOOK She has written: "LAURIE STRODE IS LONELY"

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