Chapter 17

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Eyelashes flutter open to ocean blue eyes. Waking up to them has become a fantasy, an unobtainable reality, a moment Harry never thought he'd have again. His surroundings don't matter, being in this cage doesn't make it any less special.

The mother of his children is stunning, a breath of fresh air in a roasting room, cotton against his cheeks, a cascade of melted gold pooled in his palms - lovely. Harry's never fallen so hard.
The way the Prince's fingers fiddle with the lock, pretty lips pressed together as he twists the key, shoves the alpha off the cliff all over again. Each step forward equals one step closer, and one step more the green-eyed wolf nears crying. He truly thought he'd never see Louis before him again, convinced the King and Queen would enter during the knight and finish him off.

He can't stop staring at Louis - he's obsessed. And when his omega kneels down, soft skin enclosing his hand, the touch sends an astronomical power through him. It's like Harry feels all the stars colliding in him, but instead of total mass destruction, an entirely new universe is born. He hears Louis' silky, gentle voice.

"Come, alpha."

The omega helps him up, Henric coming into view. Harry's automatic instinct is to let Louis' hand go, but the smaller wolf continues to hold on tightly. The Duke serves him a sincere smile but looks away to give them their needed privacy.

"What's going to happen?" Harry questions. He's never been so scared, so untrue to his nature. "Tell me, Caleo."

"Stop," the Prince holds up his free hand. "Just come. Trust me."

The curly headed alpha nods, reluctantly, but he trusts his omega, trusts him more than he trusts himself in this current moment. He lets the Prince lead the way, Henric trailing behind. Eventually, as they surface the ground floor of the castle, Louis' hand falls from his. It doesn't steer the looks from the workers away from them, but at this point, there isn't a care to give. It feels different this time - walking free, no chains.

Harry's heart drops when they near the execution chamber. Everything slows down and he stops breathing for a moment. Eyes locked on the door, thoughts race through his mind, and each step closer leaves the desperate need to rewind to yesterday and try again.

But as soon as the door comes, it goes, and he's lead straight past. It must be a mistake, the alpha believes, glancing back awaiting the King and Queen to step out and scold Louis for trying to help him escape again. Instead, he receives Henric's calming stare, reassuring him that the execution chamber was not made for him today. He's not going to be executed.

He's led to the main room. Walking into the space surges fretfulness and anxiety through his bones. Anything can happen, anything can be decided. Sunshine streaks in, the polished floor gleaming, the centre of the room free of shadows. The sound of their footwear echoes.

Today feels different. Deep in Harry's bones, he knows that even if they want to, the King and Queen won't be killing him today, because when he's finally before their thrones, he isn't ordered to kneel. He's got the Prince stood beside him, not before him, and that says more than a thousand words could do. Harry is not their enemy, he should be their son-in-law.

Henric comes to stand beside Harry too. The alpha feels protected, something he's never felt nor needed - being an alpha - since he lost his family. It's just ironic it's with the family whom he lost them to.

The King and Queen wait silently. They've never put this much control in their son's hands.

"Death is the ultimate sanction."

The green-eyed alpha drops his head. It was too good to be true.

"That is what this wolf deserves in the name of the Royal Castle. No matter the freedom I have been given to decide his fate, at the end of the day, I know that you want him dead," Louis says solemnly. "However, I cannot allow that. This is my mate."

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