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A pedicure, a mud bath, a sauna session, and a makeup treatment later, Lona and I returned just in time for me to help out in the restaurant. "Sora, bring this to Table 3, please. And be nice, I think they're having a date," said Lona's mom, handing me a tray laden with food. I nodded and hurried out of the kitchen, intrigued by the hefty order for two people.

Arriving at Table 3, I glanced up, and the smile I had plastered on my face froze. There sat Zuko. His hair had grown longer, but he was otherwise unchanged from the last time I'd seen him. Across from him sat a girl, around our age, radiating a striking beauty that momentarily dimmed my own confidence.

"Sora?" Zuko exclaimed, clearly taken aback. "You two know each other?" his companion inquired, flashing me a disarming smile.

"I can't do this," I murmured, setting the tray down hastily. Without another word, I turned on my heel and made a beeline for the door. "I'm sorry – I need to go," I heard Zuko say as I hurried out, the faint jingle of coins indicating his swift departure from the table.

Outside, I ran around the corner, seeking solace in the shadows. "Sora!" I heard Zuko's voice call out, the urgency in his tone sending a shiver down my spine. Despite my efforts to conceal myself, my hiding spot proved futile as Zuko quickly spotted me and dashed toward me.

Tears welled up in my eyes. "Go away! I don't want to see you," I mumbled, attempting to pull my arm from his grasp as I turned to leave.

"Sora, please!" Zuko implored, his grip tightening on my arm.

"No! I thought you were dead, Zuko!" I screamed, the floodgates of my emotions finally breaking open. "I thought you were dead, and now I see you here with another girl?" I looked at him, my heart aching with betrayal.

He took a step back, his expression a mixture of confusion and pain. "You can't be mad that I saw another girl. You left me!" he defended himself.

"No! You left me! You left me after your sister almost killed me with lightning, to go and get hit by it yourself!" I shouted at him, my anger and hurt pouring out in a torrent of emotion.

He stared at me, his own pain evident in his eyes. "It was a mistake," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the tumult of emotions.

"It's too late, Zuko. You took my heart and you broke it. I thought we belonged together, but you're just thinking about yourself," I said, my voice trembling with the weight of my sorrow.

His face contorted painfully. "I did it to protect you!" he said, taking another step toward me, desperation etched in every line of his features.

I met his gaze, feeling the raw intensity of his emotions. "Please forgive me! Please don't hate me!" he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion.

"I wish I could hate you, Prince Zuko. I wish I could," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart. With a heavy heart, I pushed past him, the need to escape overwhelming me. I had to keep working. I had to get away before I succumbed to the temptation to forgive him for everything.

"Sora, please!" his voice called out, filled with anguish and remorse. I hesitated.

"Sora, I love you! Please don't do that!" Zuko's desperate plea echoed in the air as he continued to plead with me. I stood still, my heart caught in a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions. For a moment, everything seemed to freeze around us.

I heard him coming towards me, his steps heavy with the weight of his emotions. "I promise I will never do such a thing to you again. Never. I can't live without you, Sora, please! I'm begging you. Please give me another chance," he implored, his voice raw with sincerity. His hand reached out for mine, seeking connection amidst the turmoil.

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