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Sora POV

A few weeks had passed since my arrival in Ba Sing Se, and the city's vastness still amazed me every day. I found employment at a small restaurant, where the owner, a kind-hearted man, allowed me to reside in the flat above as long as I performed my duties diligently. Though I missed Zuko terribly and questioned my decision to leave, the bustling city provided a welcome distraction from my heartache.

As I donned my waiter's uniform, thoughts of Zuko flooded my mind once again. Was it a mistake to leave? Should I have waited longer? The uncertainty gnawed at me relentlessly.

Entering the restaurant, I found Lona, the owner's daughter and my newfound friend, already waiting for me. "You seem down again," she remarked. "Are you thinking about that boy?"

I shrugged, feeling the weight of my emotions pressing upon me. "I wish I could forget about him, but he's always on my mind," I admitted, beginning to wash the dishes.

Lona shook her head, determination gleaming in her eyes. "Enough of this," she declared. I glanced up, puzzled by her sudden resolve. "What do you mean?"

"Sora, you came to Ba Sing Se on your own! You're strong and independent. Why let some stupid boy make you cry?" she exclaimed, her words resonating within me. "We're taking the day off!"

"But I can't just take the day off. Your father won't pay me," I protested, feeling a pang of disappointment. Zuko may have made mistakes, but he wasn't stupid.

"I'll handle it," Lona assured me before disappearing into the back. With a sigh, I resumed wiping down the tables, knowing that we would soon be opening for the day.

Just as I was preparing to unlock the doors, Lona burst through the back entrance accompanied by her mother. "Sora, dear, Lona insists on taking you for a girls' day out. I'll handle things here today," her mother announced with a warm smile.

I blinked in surprise, taken aback by their unexpected gesture of kindness. "Oh, that's really not necessary, I-" I began, but Lona's mother shook her head firmly.

"Nonsense, dear. You've been working tirelessly since you arrived. It's high time you took a break and enjoyed yourself," she insisted, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"But I can't afford to miss a day of work," I protested, my concerns about finances bubbling to the surface.

"It's paid leave. Consider it a well-deserved break," Lona's mother reassured me, gently taking the keys from my hand and heading towards the front door. "Now, off you go!"

Lona beamed at me, excitement dancing in her eyes. "Come on, Sora! Let's go change into something nice and make the most of our day!" she urged, her enthusiasm infectious.

With a resigned sigh, I nodded and hurried upstairs to my flat, feeling a mix of gratitude and apprehension at the unexpected turn of events.

"The fancy lady day spa?" I questioned, feeling puzzled as we stood before the grand building.

"Come on, Sora! It'll be so much fun!" Lona urged, her excitement palpable as she tugged me inside.

As we waited for our turn, we settled into a small room. Suddenly, the door swung open, and my heart skipped a beat as two familiar faces entered. It was the Avatar's friends! The girl who could bend water froze in her tracks, her expression one of recognition. "Who is this?" inquired the other girl, who was blind. "I know her, but I can't quite place her."

"It's Prince Zuko's girlfriend," the waterbender informed her companion, causing my heart to lurch in my chest.

In an instant, I sprang to my feet, my mind racing with a mix of emotions. Lona gazed at me, confusion etched on her features. "Prince? Your ex-boyfriend is a prince?" she queried, taken aback by the revelation.

"I'm not with him anymore!" I interjected hastily, addressing the water tribe girl who had assumed a defensive stance. "Please, I mean no harm to you," I pleaded, desperation evident in my voice.

"How can we trust you? Is he here too?" the water girl questioned, her tone guarded. "I don't know where he is," I admitted softly, my heart heavy with uncertainty. "I don't even know if he's alive."

"How are you alive? Azula killed you!" she pressed, her disbelief evident.

I shook my head, attempting to convey the truth of my words. "Katara, she's telling the truth. I can sense it," Toph interjected, her voice carrying a note of certainty.

"Toph, she's dangerous!" Katara retorted, her mistrust still palpable.

Taking a deep breath, I raised my hands in a gesture of peace, my gaze briefly meeting Lona's bewildered eyes. It was time to lay everything bare, even if it meant exposing myself to further scrutiny. "Listen, Katara," I began, my voice earnest. "Zuko's plan to capture the Avatar wasn't mine. I have no desire to harm you or anyone else. Besides, I'm hardly a threat anymore," I confessed, my tone tinged with desperation.

"What do you mean?", Katara asked, "you are a fire bender!"

"You're what?" Lona interjected, her shock evident.

"I lost my bending," I confessed, the weight of my admission hanging heavy in the air. "Ever since Azula struck me in the heart with lightning, I've been unable to bend. She took it from me."

"It doesn't matter. You're from the Fire Nation!" Katara argued, her stance unwavering.

"No! I was born in the Earth Kingdom! My mother was a firebender, but I never even knew her. I lived with my dad in the Earth Kingdom my entire life," I defended myself, desperation lacing my words as I sought to convey the truth of my origins.

"Okay, but... you were still with Zuko, and he is evil!" Katara persisted, her resolve weakening with each passing moment.

"He isn't evil," I countered softly, my voice barely above a whisper. "He's just... hurt."

"Wait a minute... your ex-boyfriend is not only a prince but the prince of the Fire Nation?" Lona interjected, her confusion evident.

I met Lona's gaze, feeling a pang of apprehension. "Please don't hate me now," I implored, my voice tinged with vulnerability.

Lona paused for a moment, her expression shifting from confusion to frustration. "I brought Sora here so she could forget about that stupid boy! How dare you come here and remind her of him!" she exclaimed, her anger palpable.

"I think she's nice!" Toph interjected, her tone lighthearted.

Lona's expression softened into a grin. "Let's not fight. We should have fun together! No boys talk!" she suggested, her enthusiasm infectious.

Toph grinned in agreement, her excitement evident.

I took a tentative step towards Katara, extending my hand towards her in a gesture of peace. "Maybe we could start over?" I proposed softly. "I'm Sora."

Katara regarded me with a mixture of anger and uncertainty for a moment, but eventually, her features softened, and she reached out to grasp my hand, a sign of tentative reconciliation.

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