Isn't the Right Time

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Heyya! Everyone say thank you to Knightstar for updating this for me while I am away!

I hope y'all enjoy the chapter!


"Thank you," Inko said to me. "Even if he is just your nanny," she side-eyed me, "this has been good for him."

"I'm glad." And I was. He seemed to be doing slightly better. He sure as hell jumped a lot less this week. That might have something to do with our late-night activities, but he also might be healing. He's only gone to two therapy sessions, so I know he still has a while to go.

"You have amazing kids," she added. They were currently in the pool, being tossed back and forth between Midoriya and his dad. Other than Kimi, obviously. She was sitting in the kitty pool that Midoriya convinced me to buy since she cries when she doesn't get to swim with everyone else. However, we don't want her near the water when they're splashing around like they are.

"Thank you." They really are amazing. Even with all the bullshit going on, they're going strong. They're truly amazing, and I love them so much. "I hope you two enjoyed your stay," I said.

"We did. We're not looking forward to leaving." She and her husband decided they were going to leave after dinner and get a hotel a few hours out. There were a few places they wanted to stop on the way home. "Thank you for allowing us to stay. We would like to come visit again next year if Izuku is still here. Maybe not during the end of the school year since we could probably convince him to visit us for a week around then. But maybe toward the end of the year."

I smiled despite being annoyed by the fact that they wanted him to visit home. "You're always welcome here. Just give him a heads up." I would never say he can't go home to his parents. Hell, I encourage it. But right now, I just want those two weeks to myself. This is the last week of school for the kids, and then they're going to my parents for two weeks, which means he and I will have the house to ourselves.

Despite the fact that I've been avoiding him since this morning, I am excited about those two weeks. I just don't know how to react or be with him right this second. The handjob last night was amazing, and the way he moaned and panted will forever be stored in my spank bank memory, but the shower was a little too intimate. I loved everything about it at the moment, but looking back, it went past what we were supposed to be doing. Just making out and having sex to blow off some steam.

It wasn't supposed to go like that. Being with him in the shower and having his fingers trace over my tattoos made me think about everything I didn't have with Eijiro. Midoriya is calm when he's not terrified of his ex, and he's patient. So fucking patient. He's understanding, compassionate, and affectionate. He's everything that Eijiro wasn't. Maybe it's because he's the complete opposite of the man who left me with four kids, or perhaps it's because I'm thinking of him as a rebound, but I want him.

When he left my room last night, I wanted to chase him down to his room and crawl into bed with him. I didn't want the night to end because I didn't know how we would feel in the morning. I don't think he's avoiding me the same way I'm avoiding him, but I'm a little thankful that he hasn't looked me in the eye all day.

"Daddy!" Hanako yelled, pulling me from my trance.

"Yeah, Princess?" I replied as she swam over to the edge of the pool.

"Are you getting in with us?" she asked. She seemed sad when she asked, almost like she knew the answer would be no.

"Maybe tomorrow. I need to get dinner started soon." She frowned, and I swear that I could feel my heart break in my chest. I've done nothing but disappoint them, and I hate that I'm still doing it. "Unless everyone is fine with pizza," I said loud enough for everyone to hear me. The kids cheered, and Midoriya was smiling almost as wide as he had last night after his blissful orgasm.

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