Small Town Gossip

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I stopped by the gas station after my interview. Because I don't have a key, Uraraka and Tsu were both at work. "Hey, do you need any help?" 

"Oh, hey, Midoriya. Yeah, could you stock the coolers? Koda called out again today." She was busy with three customers in the store and four out at the pumps.

"Sure thing." I headed right for the coolers. I knew where everything was. Grabbing the first pallet of drinks, I started filling the coolers as three people walked in, talking loudly. "I'm telling you he is seeing someone else. I think Eijiro left him. I haven't seen him at the house in weeks." A girl with pink hair said to another girl with dark purple hair.

They were both with a tall, dark-haired guy who replied as he grabbed a drink from a cooler I had just filled. "Have you seen his social media? He is partying with some blond guy, calling him his boyfriend."

"Well, I guess he has a type." The dark-haired girl said as she grabbed a bag of chips. They all headed to the register.     

They all three placed their snacks and drinks on the counter, as the pink-haired girl said. "Well, I saw Bakugo with someone today. He was a little cutie with curly green hair." Are they talking about me? Of course, they are. I doubt he interviewed someone else today with curly green hair.

I choked on air and hit my head as I tried to pull my head out of the cooler I was filling—they were talking about me. "Yeah, you should have seen him. He was adorable. He got in the car with Bakugo and the two youngest kids. They were gone for quite a while, and when they got back, he went inside with him." Lesson one: small towns like to gossip. Not that it was much different in the city, but you rarely saw the same person twice if they didn't float in your circle.

Uraraka just listened to them, trying to hide her interest in what they were saying. The pink-haired girl continued. "When he left, Bakugo walked him to the door and waited for him to get in his car.  He watched him walk away." She smirked and raised her brow.

"What are you, the neighborhood stalker, Ashido?" The other girl joked as she nudged her shoulder. "Just cause you live next door doesn't mean you should spy on him."

'Whatever, Jiro. You didn't see him, and his husband had only been gone for a few weeks." The three of them paid for their items, leaving the store. Great. The first small-town gossip I heard had to be about me.

Once they left, Uraraka was on me so fast. "Midoriya! You didn't tell me you went for a car ride with him."

I jumped slightly as she yelled my name and stammered out. "I-I didn't think it was that big a deal. W-we just had to take lunch to his kids." I have such a hard time when people yell or move too fast around me—stupid ex-boyfriend.

She gave me a look of doubt. "Are you sure that was all?"

My eyes went wide. I wasn't sure what to think. I could hear Tenya again, "Nothing comes free in life! Someone always expects something in return!" I was about to have a panic attack. I think she could see it.

"Sorry," she said softer as she walked over to me with her usual warm smile.

Looking at her, I blinked a few times and felt myself calming down. "Really, he is a mess and just forgot to make his kids lunch before school. So we took my interview on the road and did it over lunch. When we got back, Kimi was sleeping, so I helped him with Masao. That's all, I swear."

She placed her hand on my arm, causing me to flinch. Oh God, I need to get myself under control. Her eyes held concern. "Are you alright? I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you."

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