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"What's this?" I asked as Bakugo handed me a red debit card. It looked different than the one I just got from my own account.

"That is a card to a joint account I just made. There will always be money in it for the kids. If you're going out somewhere with them or just grocery shopping, that's what that is for. Anything that has to do with the kids or household financials. Just keep the receipts when you use that card." I nodded. I was going to ask about that, but he's covering every question I have. "You can also use it to fill my tank as needed since you'll drive my car if you have all the kids. Also, if you take them to the zoo or something like that, use it to pay for yourself, too. If it's mainly for the kids, it's fine." I think he's just saying I can't use it for random personal use, which is fair.

"Thank you," I said while tucking the card into my wallet. "Anywhere else?" I asked.

"We have to stop and grab a new SIM card for my old phone. I already called ahead, so it should be good just to be picked up. You can activate it when we get home." Masao grabbed my hand after I slid my wallet back into my pocket. "Is everyone ready to go?" Bakugo asked while looking around at the kids. Kimi was sitting in Kenzo's lap while they watched a video on Bakugo's phone, and Hanako was working on her homework. Apparently, she likes to get it done as soon as possible while Kenzo waits until the last minute.

"Dad, can you take a picture of my spelling words again? My test is on Monday."

"You bet," Bakugo replied while slipping his phone from his pocket to take a picture of the list of words. After that, Hanako put her homework back in her bag while Bakugo picked up Kimi. "Alright, guys, let's head out."

Hanako grabbed my other hand while Kenzo grabbed Bakugo's. Together, we pushed through the double doors and went to the car. It was a sunny day, and the gentle breeze felt good, blowing through my curls. It's been a while since I've felt carefree like this.

"Daddy," Masao said, releasing my hand and turning to his dad. "I hungy." We only ate three hours ago, but I don't recall Masao eating that much.

"Let's get in the car, and Daddy will see what snacks we have in the back." I don't know what he means by snacks in the back, but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. I helped Kenzo into his booster seat while Hanako crawled into the middle row with Masao. "Who else wants a snack?"

Both Kenzo and Hanako raised their hands. "Alright, let me see what we have. Shut the door and meet me at the hatch," he said through the car to me.

I made sure Kenzo and Masao were buckled correctly before crawling out of the car and walking around back. "We always have a bucket of snacks in the car. Masao never eats a big breakfast, so snacks are essential."

"I have goldfish, crackers, or Oreos," Bakugo said to the kids. One by one, they all shouted what they wanted. "Kenzo doesn't have a big sweet tooth. He usually prefers crackers over cookies or savory and sour over sweet." I nodded. That's good to know.

"Why doesn't Masao eat a lot of breakfast?" I asked.

"He doesn't do well on a full stomach shortly after he wakes up. It will make him sick."

"Okay. I need to remember to jot some of this down when I get that new phone set up."

He rolled his eyes playfully while stepping back to shut the hatch. "I'm sure you'll do fine. But we can sit down and make a meal plan for next week tomorrow. That way, you'll have a chance to write down their preferences, and we can talk more about what they like and what they don't."

"Thank you," I said with a sigh of relief. I'm terrified I'm going to mess this up and ruin it. I need this job, and I genuinely like the kids and Bakugo. I don't want to fail.

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