Of Tears and Pool Water

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"It's going to be nice to just wake up and be inside the house," Midoriya said while dropping his small bag on the bed in the downstairs guest room. "I usually wake up and make myself coffee before coming over, but now I get the better coffee."

I raised an eyebrow. "Isn't the coffee in the guest house the same as in the kitchen?"

He shook his head. "Not even close. When I ran out of what was in there, I bought myself some since I'm the only one who uses it. The premium stuff you drink is way too expensive," he said.

I made a mental note to get him some coffee the next time I went out since he apparently wasn't buying it for himself. Not the good kind, anyway. "Now that the kids are asleep and the guest house is ready for your parents in the morning, how about a beer?"

Midoriya nodded before following me to the kitchen. While I grabbed four bottles, he grabbed a bag of chips and the baby monitor, and we walked to the back patio. It felt domestic—like we've always done this.

When we sat down, he was the first to talk. "Thanks for letting my parents stay for the week. My mom has been harping on me to visit her, and this way, I don't have to ask for time off."

I don't want to tell him he can't have time off, but I'm going to be stingy about it. If he's taking time off, I'm taking time off. "Like I said, just let me know. I want you to be comfortable here."

"Surprisingly, I'm more comfortable here than I thought I would be. Small-town life is nice." I bet being away from his abusive ex is also nice.

"So you're definitely sticking around?" I asked.

He nodded. "I couldn't leave you and the kids. Until you fire me, you're stuck with me."

I took a drink before setting my beer on the table. "Why do you think I'm going to fire you?"

He shrugged. "The kids won't need a nanny forever, you know?"

He's right, but the thought of him leaving was enough to make my heart drop to my stomach.

How the hell did I let myself get attached to someone like this again? Why the fuck does the thought of him leaving one day make me want to grab him and not let go?

"How long can you hold your breath underwater?" he asked casually.

"Probably longer than you," I said.

He finished his beer before setting the empty glass on the table. As he stood up, he kicked his sandals off before doing the same thing with his jeans. When he turned to face me again, I saw a raised scar on his right thigh that I don't recall seeing before. I guess his swim trunks are longer than his boxers.

"Are you coming?" he asked before turning for the pool. He ran and jumped into the deep end with no hesitation. As usual, he didn't take his shirt off.

When his head popped back above the water, I shook my head with a smile. "Come on!" I stood up and stripped down to my boxers before running and jumping into the water with him.

The cold water felt good on my flushed skin after watching him strip down in front of me. He smiled at me a few feet away when I popped up above the water.

Damn, that smile of his. Nipping my bottom lip, I got lost in that smile and those eyes for a minute. Eyes that kept drifting between my eyes and lips. Once those eyes locked onto mine, I noticed they held a look of want hidden behind caution. I am unsure precisely what he is cautious about, but I can understand his reserve. 

I guess things got a little too serious because his eyes changed to a hint of mischief, and a smirk fell on his lips as the water hit me in the face. That little shit just splashed me, so I returned the favor. This started a splashing war. "You really think you can make as bigger splashes than me?" I said as I splashed him relentlessly. He laughed and backed away.

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