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Sonic ran upstairs. Silver stood here, almost frozen. Sonic ran back down.

Sonic: That was your cue to get dressed, dolt.

He grabbed silver's wrist and pulled him upstairs.

Silver's P.O.V

Sonic threw me on to my bed.

Sonic: Go get dressed! We don't have all day! The plaza closes in about 5 hours and we need all the time we can get to find something for your love~!!!

Me: Ok, you cheeky brat!

Sonic: Just hurry up!

Me: Ok, ok!

Sonic was wearing a black bandana over his muzzle, a black backpack, a black hoodie, with the hood over his head. his legs were gray, and his eyes were a stone color.

Sonic: Stop staring, grab your phone, wallet, and let's go!

I grabbed the items he said, and we walked out the door.

Me: Ok, where are we going?

Sonic: Well what does blaze love more than anything?

Me: Ummm, oh sweet flames, cuz they remind her of a candy back home!

Sonic: That's exactly why we're at adrenaline rush, it's one of the only stores that I'm not banned from!

We kept walking and made it to the store.

Sonic: Alright follow me, when we get to the counter I'll do the talking.

I nodded and we walked inside, sonic led me to the back of the store where the pick 'n' mix was, he grabbed 2 handfuls of the candy and put them into a paper bag. He went to the counter.

Lady: Hi Sonic? You were taller last time we met! How are you doing? And who's your friend?

Sonic: Hey Candy! I've been shrunken, I'm doing alright, and this is my pal silver! We're getting a gift for his girlfriend.

Candy: Oh ok! It's five dollars.

Sonic paid.

Sonic: Thanks candy! Glad you're still in business! See you around?

Candy: Bye sonic! Hopefully!

We left.

Me: Why did you pay?

Sonic: I forgot you guys don't have money that's valid here.

We walked up to the door of the house.

Me: What do you mean?

Sonic opened the door.

Sonic: Christmas Island has a special kind of money that you can only get here, and can't trade anywhere else.

He pulled me upstairs and put the candy in a drawer in his desk.

Sonic: Silv, I also have homemade Red hot marshmallow squirters for you to give to her! I'll give them to you when we wrap her gift!

Me: Ok!

He ran back downstairs. I followed.

Sonic: Alright, go to bed! We have an early day tomorrow, dopes!

Amy: Sonic, it's only 9.

Sonic: My bad, I'm gonna go to bed, everyone go to bed by midnight at least. Blaze tomorrow you're coming! Everyone else gets ready, we're going back to back tomorrow! I'll be back at 10, blaze we're out by 11, so wake up by 10:30!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 17 ⏰

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