━ 22. Another Escapee

Start from the beginning

"Tosser!" Diana hissed before she transformed into her animagus form in the blink of an eye and went to sit on Sirius's shoulder. He tried to stroke the large bird's head, but Diana, who was still pissed, whipped her head away from his touch and bit his fingers angrily. He snatched his fingers away from the bird but still smirked a little before he looked ahead in the distance.

"Stupefy!" Sirius and Diana both frowned as they saw the members of the ministry go in a different direction from them and heard a combined yell from a bunch of people.

"Stop! Stop! That's my son!" No sooner than Sirius heard Arthur Weasely's scream, he sprinted in the direction with Diana tailing behind him in the air.

"That's my godson!" Sirius yelled when he saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the endpoint of Bartemius Crouch's wand. He shoved them away as he went to stand beside Harry who looked beyond surprised at the whole commotion.

"Are you three all right?" Sirius asked them as he looked at them for any visible injuries.

"We're fine," Harry replied as he petted the Goshawk who went and sat on his shoulder.

"Which of you conjured it? Do not lie!" Barty Crouch shrieked as he pointed his wand at the trio.

"Are you bloody serious, Barty?" Sirius snapped as he stood in front of the trio beside Arthur, guarding them against the ministry people.

"Barty, you can't possibly–"

"They've been discovered at the scene of the crime!" Barty Crouch accused them once again, interrupting Arthur.

"They're just kids, Barty," Arthur said calmly.

"They're bloody fifteen, Barty!" Sirius glared at the older man as he held Harry behind him. "Open your fucking eyes for once!"

"What crime are they talking about?" Asked Harry frowning, thoroughly confused.

"The Dark Mark, Harry," Hermione replied in a low voice.

"It's Voldemort's mark." Sirius turned around to look at Harry in the eyes, his expression was unreadable.

"Those people tonight, they're his too, right? His followers?" Harry asked looking at his godfather.

"Death Eaters." Sirius and Arthur nodded gloomily as they looked up at the sky.

Barty Crouch Sr frowned and turned around. "Follow me!"

"Um, there was a man before, there," Harry added hurriedly as Diana turned to her godson, her bead-like red eyes widening in shock. "I heard two voices. It seemed like he was fighting with someone."

Sirius stiffened as he took an unconscious step towards Diana.

"All of you, this way!" Barty Crouch stared at Harry for a moment before yelling and leading his men toward the direction Harry pointed out.

"A man fighting with someone, Harry?" Arthur asked. "Who?"

"I don't know. I didn't get to see their faces." Harry replied as he stroked Diana's smooth feathers who was frozen like a statue.

Sirius looked at Diana, realizing maybe she was indeed correct.


"Okay, Remus, why are you asking me if I'm sure what I've seen too, like that bitch over there?" Diana snapped as she slammed her firewhiskey glass on the long wooden dining table and pointed at Sirius who was standing by the door.

Unlike the furious woman, the black-haired man was surprisingly calm, observing Diana's rage with inscrutable, hooded dark eyes. Usually most of the time, Sirius loses his temper whenever Diana loses it and gets into a heated argument but this time it was different. He remained calm for some unknown reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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