chapter 10: this house is a hell hole

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Michael knocked on his door as he spoke
"Let me in! We got a visitor!"

"Who?" A voice spoke

"Y/n. Now let us in!"

"Don't you hate her?"

"Doesn't matter- open the door!"

"Okay, okay!" The door opened up, Elizabeth standing now in front

"Hi!" She spoke

"Hi, Elizabeth!" You obviously said back

"Why are you here? *gasp* Is it because you're Mikey's girlfriend?!"

"Elizabeth for the last focking time- Y/N is NOT my girlfriend! I can have friends that are girls ya' know?!"

"You've never had a friend that was a girl before.. And- I'm telling Daddy you cursed!"

"Father doesn't care. He never did."

"That's not true!-"

"Sure whatever. Come on Y/N."

You followed Michael upstairs into his room

"So. You never heard ANY 6arelyhuman?!"


"Ugh here."
He put on a song (choose which one idc. if you don't know then uh srry.)

"Michael! What did I say about listening to that.. explicit music?!" A feminine voice called from the other side of the door. Probably his mother

"Come on, Mom! I'm like 16!"

"You're siblings might hear it! They shouldn't hear such words!"

"That sounds like their problem!"


"Sorry about that, y/n. Anyways-"

"Michael. Turn it off." His mother said as she walked in


"You know why!"

"Just tell them to cover their ears or something!"

"Michael Terrence Afton. Off. Before Y/N has to go."

"But Mom!-"

"No buts, Michael. Turn it off. Find some headphones or something."

"Ugh fine!"

"Sorry about that, y/n.." She said

"It's okay Mrs. Afton!"

"Please, call me Rose."

"Oh okay!"

"Alright, I'll leave you alone."
Rose walked away

".. Michael..?"

"Oh my god- What do you want, Evan?"

"Lizzy is hogging the toys."

"Okay. Tell her to please share. If that doesn't work, tell Father."

"I did those.. she won't listen and dad doesn't care.."

"Ugh, I'll deal with it.. I'll be back, stay here, Y/N."


[325 WORDS! literally no note for today!! Also thank all of you for reading this! As I wrote this, I saw that I have 222 reads! Thank you!! Cya pooks!]

We'll see about that..  ~MICHAEL AFTON X FEM!READER~Where stories live. Discover now