16 - broken heart

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2.25 - 17 SECONDS

tw. mentions of gunshots

MATILDA SAT IN BETWEEN ADDISON AND DEREK. The group of surgeons sat in the vet's office and Meredith and Finn sat across from them. "So, Bone Cancer?" Matilda asked based on the symptoms that Finn explained. The brunette was trying to do most of the talking, aiming to defuse the tension between Meredith and Derek while Addison and Finn just sat there awkwardly.

"I still need to do a bone scan to see how far it's spread. Osteosarcomas are aggressive, but we can try and treat it with chemo or remove the tumour entirely. If it's spread too far, we may have to amputate the limb."

"Well four of us are doctors so we all know how this goes," Derek commented.

"Five of us," Meredith corrected.

"Should we even bother?"

"Oh, right. Let's just let him die, Derek."

"I don't want him to suffer, Meredith."

The four surgeons stood in the hospital elevator in awkward silence. "I hate it when all of my parents fight," Matilda said as the elevator began to go up.

The group ignored her before Addison was the one to break the silence once again, "So what's...I mean, is there something going on?"

"Nope." "No."

"Did you guys have a fight or something?"


" So...we're all still...friends?"

"Yes." "Yep."

The door to Tilly's floor opened and she quickly exited the elevator, turning around while the door was still open, "By Moms and Dad, have a good day at work," she waved as the doors closed, sure she was going to hear about how awkward it was from Addison later.

"We've got a heart!" Matilda heard her brother say from behind her.

"For Denny?" 

"Mercy West has a heart and I'm going to get it, yes."

"Can I come?"

"I would love for you to join me but rumour has it, there's a big trauma coming in. Apparently, someone started shooting at a restaurant so they're gonna need all hands on deck but I'll page you if I need you," He tells her as he ruffles her hair and her pager goes off, telling her to go to the ER.  

"Why are they all in the hallway?" Matilda asks as patients lie on extra gurneys throughout the room.

"Overflow from the ER. I heard the shooter got away too." Alex answered as they met the paramedics at the door. 

"Neal Hannigan and Deborah Fleiss. They were paying at the register when the gunman came in. She's got a through-and-through to the right upper arm. Good distal pulses. He's sustained a possible graze wound to the right back," The paramedic told the duo and they each took a patient.

"We need to get them to an X-ray," Matilda told Alex and he agreed.

"Don't worry about me, take care of my Deborah first."

"Oh, now you're concerned?" The pair begin to argue.

"I said I was sorry."

"Sorry? The shooting starts, you duck behind me and you're sorry?"

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