9 - ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

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MATILDA WOKE UP IN THE ON-CALL ROOM AS HER PAGER BEEPED. She groaned as she looked at who it was from. Addison walked through the door and put her hands on her hips as she stared at her friend. "Get up."

"What do you want Dr Montgomery?"

"What happened to Addie? And it's Dr Shepherd."

"Is it? I thought Dr Shepherd was a Neurosurgeon"

"Look, you're on my service today and if you're awake enough to look at your page, you can get out of this uncomfortable bed." 

"Give me a minute." She mumbled as Addison nodded and walked out of the room. Matilda put some fresh scrubs on and her hair in a braid as she walked out of the room to see Addison right outside the door.

The pair walked through the halls as they made the way to the OBGYN wing and along the catwalk, "So, how's living in the trailer?" Matilda asked in an effort to make small talk.

"It's hell. It's... You know what don't get me started."

"Well, how's fixing your marriage? Is that working?" At this, Addison stopped walking and turned to the girl.

"Okay I get that you're mad at me but I didn't just want to sort things out with Derek when I got here, I wanted to sort things out with you too."

"Should have thought about that before sleeping with Mark, Addie."

"You know it wasn't just me who cheated, It was him too." she said quietly and Matilda didn't respond, "I just want my friend back Tilly." She admitted.

Matilda was about to apologise to Addison for bringing up the topic when something caught her eye.

"Can we continue this later? I'll meet you in the wing I just need to sort something out." She said as she walked straight to the Chief's office and burst through the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked her brother as he stood in the office with Dr Webber.

"Just coming to visit you."

"I've hung out with you every day since you've been here."

"Exactly. But I just miss you so much, you know?"

They continued to bicker back and forth until Webber interrupted them, "If you two don't stop being annoying I'll ruin both of your days." 

"I don't think you can ruin my day Dr Webber," Jacob smirked.

"Oh yes, I can. Matilda, I've offered Jacob a job."

"What!" she exclaimed.

"And he's accepted it."

"What!" she said as she hit her brother in the shoulder, "I can't believe you didn't tell me!" she huffed as she walked out of the office.

"See? Now your sister is going to be mad at you for the rest of the day. So I can ruin your day." He smirked at the young attending.

Matilda met up with Addison as she gave her instructions to discharge and check on her patients, "Oh Tilly, The chief wants to talk to all the interns in the lobby." she says after looking down at her cell phone.

"Listen up people. New Year, new rules or should I say New Year and we will be enforcing the rules mandated by the residency review committee. There were too many mistakes made last year. Fatigue played too big a role. Exceeding 80 hours per week will not be tolerated." Webber announced as chatter could be heard amongst interns.

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