15 - bleeding heart

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THE POUNDING WOULDN'T STOP. Matilda really had to ask herself if she had drunk that much the night before but quickly realised that she was working last night and didn't drink at all. This caused her to end up at her front door, finding Derek Shepherd soaking wet from the rain. 

"She's dating him," he said as he walked through the door and straight to the kitchen.

"Who? The Vet?" she asked and his head instantly shot over to her in surprise.

"You knew?"

"I found out yesterday calm down." She defended before taking notice of his appearance, "Want a towel or something?"

"No, I'm fine. Do you need a lift to work? You can tell me all you know..." He said as he grabbed a mug of coffee and his keys that he placed on the counter, making his way for the door.

"Oh, so you use me for my coffee and gossip?" She crossed her arms over her chest, following him out.

"Yep pretty much." He smirks as he looks up the stairs, trying to see other signs of life.

"She's not here. It's just me, Izzie and George."

"George?" he asked, surprised that the intern had moved back in.

"Yeah. Didn't you hear? He overstayed his welcome at Burke and Cristina's," she raised her eyebrows at him as he smiled at the gossip.

"See? How would I have known that if I didn't have you?" He asked as he kissed her on the forehead and left the house.

Suddenly, as if she had a sixth sense, Meredith walked through the back door. "You'll never guess what happened," she said and Matilda dragged the girl to the bathroom, finding Izzie who was flossing her teeth. 

"Sit down Stevens, we have an update." The brunette closes the bathroom door and sits on the bath next to Izzie while Meredith debriefs them about her night and morning at Finn's. The two have decided to be civil, considering that they are living in the same house and have realised that they can put their mutual annoyance (that's mostly on Matilda's part) aside.

After Meredith had debriefed the girls on the situation, the three were getting ready for work while talking in the bathroom.

"What did you say to him?" The blonde asks, slightly muffled by her fingers in her mouth, putting a whitening strip on her teeth.

"Nothing. I fled the scene," Meredith said as she plucked around her eyebrows.

"You didn't tell him about George or Derek?" the blonde continued and Meredith shook her head.

"Woah... You like him." Matilda grinned as she spat out her toothpaste.

"I could like him."

"Is the sex any good?" 

"I don't know."

"Wow... Four dates and two sleepovers at his place and no sex?"

"Oh, I am proud. I am like a proud mama," Matilda puts a hand to her heart and Izzie grins at the blonde.

The three were interrupted by Callie walking into the bathroom in nothing but her underwear. They knew that she and George were together but didn't know how serious it really was. 

"Morning Callie," Matilda politely smiles while Meredith and Izzie stare in shock. 

"Morning," Callie mumbles, not meeting any of the girl's eyes as she sits down on the toilet. After finishing her business, she leaves the crowded bathroom and closes the door behind her.

two ghosts [m.sloan]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz